While heart transplant surgeries have saved numerous lives, far more lives could be saved if there were just as many organs available as people in need of heart transplants. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Most patients will spend time on a transplant waiting list, and many will never find a Read More...
Trendy new health food items are always popping up on the grocery store shelves, but in reality, eating healthy doesn’t mean buying into the latest health food craze. In fact, eating healthy on a budget is actually quite manageable if you’re smart about your shopping habits. Today we share five Read More...
More consumers are moving away from fast fashion in favor of purchasing clothes from thrift shops and businesses that prioritize the well-being of the planet above their profit margins. But where you get your fashion fix is only part of the environmental problem when it comes to Read More...
Electric vehicles eliminate the harmful emissions of their gas and diesel-powered counterparts, but there is still environmental concern regarding the raw materials used in their production, specifically in batteries. While battery circularity is improving, a new study has found that even with Read More...
Whale sharks are remarkable creatures, known to be the largest fish on Earth. Such a grand title draws a lot of attention from tourists and marine life enthusiasts and this popularity means they are also at a higher risk of injury due to interactions with boats and people contending for a glimpse Read More...
We are all familiar with the dilemma of what to do with an almost empty condiment jar. What’s left at the bottom and along the sides of the jar isn’t enough to do anything substantial with, but the contents are just enough so that disposing of it would induce feelings of guilt. Here are seven Read More...
A rare species of bee that was feared extinct has been spotted for the first time in almost a century. The elusive pollinator, endemic to Australia, was in the forests of north Queensland all along. The exciting discovery is the result of a widespread field search that was prompted after bee Read More...
Sustainable architectural designs can go a long way in helping cities cope with some of the most pressing social and ecological challenges facing metropolitan areas today. The design of a pair of supertall skyscrapers in Shenzhen aims to showcase how integrating sustainability into our built Read More...
We recently wrote about how Netflix works to improve diversity and inclusivity in its corporate culture, but the streaming platform is also committed to taking these values into the shows they produce. The company has announced the launch of their new Fund for Creative Equity which will invest $100 Read More...
When Lindsay Sobel was 13, she needed a community project to meet the requirements of her Bat Mitzvah. That’s when she came up with the idea of collecting lightly used shoes and donating them to the homeless. Lindsay, who is from Chatsworth, California, started collecting shoes in her own Read More...