Pesticides known as pyrethroids are among the main culprits behind colony collapse disorder — a phenomenon that occurs when most worker bees in a colony disappear, leaving behind just the queen and a few other bees. Detecting whether honeybees have been exposed to such types of pesticides is key Read More...
Human activity strayed far from the norm this year as the coronavirus pandemic forced many countries to effectively shut down. Now, many months after the first countries went into lockdown, scientists from NASA have gaged just how much pollution levels have dropped due to Covid-related declines in Read More...
Little free libraries gained popularity around 2010 as local sources for book sharing. Now, these mini-libraries that are tucked into many neighborhoods are getting new life as sources for supplies during COVID-19. The official Little Free Libraries program started in 2009, and now, in Read More...
A community garden does much more than just grow local fruits and vegetables. It also activates a public space where members of the community can gather and form meaningful relationships that contribute to a better life. Whether you want to create a community garden or join, here are a few benefits Read More...
The holiday season is the time we reflect on how lucky we are to have a roof over our head and food on our table, but it is also a time to think about those who have less than us. As we head deeper into the holiday season, we’re sharing ways you can still safely give back to your community at a Read More...
There are many steps we can take to prevent anxiety from interfering in our lives. Such steps include physical exercise, getting plenty of sleep, good nutrition, and a strong social support system. But increasingly, research is telling us that gratitude is a strong way to reduce anxiety. With that Read More...
Thanksgiving is a time for many of us to share an indulgent and delectable meal with our loved ones, but the 200 million pounds of turkey that go to waste after the holiday makes the day a little less delicious. Our Optimist View from last year discussed the critical issue of food waste in more Read More...
As we enjoy our Thanksgiving meals today and nourish our bodies, our Thankful Thursdays prompt focuses on who nourishes our soul and spirit. Who in your life makes you feel fulfilled and cherished? Thankful Thursdays prompt #4: Write a letter of gratitude to the person who nourishes your Read More...
Most of us have been asked at the Thanksgiving table what we are grateful for, but research has shown we should take gratitude beyond the holidays as it can be instrumental in improving social relationships as well as physical and mental health. Gratefulness has the power to enhance overall well Read More...
Dried herbs have great cooking and self care uses, but they can be surprisingly expensive. Luckily, if you have herbs growing in your garden, it’s incredibly easy to dry them yourself. You will probably even get a fresher flavor from them. To dry herbs, start by washing them and laying them Read More...