We recently shared an inspiring article about a group of young Portuguese activists taking 33 countries to court over climate change inaction. Today we also get to share that the country has canceled its last two remaining fossil fuel contracts, meaning Portugal is no longer extracting fossil fuels Read More...
Home to more than 40,000 elephants and numerous other species, including the endangered black rhino, Zimbabwe’s biggest national park, Hwange, is a thriving wildlife haven. In 2015, however, the country’s government gave permission to two mining companies to explore the park for coal, Read More...
The drive-in theater: It’s a nostalgic relic of America’s past that we typically only see on screen rather in real life. At least, that was the case last year. In October 2019, there were only 305 drive-in theaters in the US—and hardly any outside America. But with the pandemic demanding us Read More...
The world’s population has exploded and expanded over the past century, but more than half of the earth is still in a natural or semi-natural state. Protecting these untouched areas is critical for mitigating climate change, so the Global Safety Net project has created an interactive map of both Read More...
What if a building could host more plants than the entire nearby park? This is the vision of designer Koichi Takada Architects who plans to build a beautiful green Urban Forest in Brisbane, Australia. The proposed building would be covered in 1,000 trees and 20,000 plants, including 259 native Read More...
Wouldn’t it be amazing if people with a knack for cooking could run a small restaurant out of their home? Well, in the city of Riverside, California, that’s now possible. Riverside recently passed law AB-626 that opens unprecedented doors of opportunity by allowing residents to operate small Read More...
Since 1985, the Körber Foundation in Hamburg has been awarding a prestigious prize to scientists whose work has applied futuristic techniques to physical sciences. This year, the Körber Prize for European Science 2020 was awarded to Hungarian researcher Botond Roska, who uncovered a gene-based Read More...
The gaming industry is getting in on the green revolution. A new Game Boy prototype is battery-free and sources its energy from the sun and from users themselves. Created by researchers at Northwestern University and the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), the new gaming console actually Read More...
While the Hawaiian islands are home to all kinds of life today, that wasn’t always the case. Apparently, not a single land-dwelling called the islands home 1,500 years ago—only winged insects, one variety of bat, and a vast array of birds had the honor of living on the archipelago. Many of Read More...
After a woman gives birth, sometimes a specialist will conduct a placenta exam to analyze the organ for anything that might indicate health problems with the new baby or future pregnancies. The placenta is vital because it delivers blood, oxygen, and other vital substances to the baby via the Read More...