Humanity is confronted with an unprecedented situation. The number of forcibly displaced people on Earth will have surpassed 100 million by 2022, a shocking milestone and a striking reminder of the world's continuous challenges. While the world grapples with mounting humanitarian demands, the Read More...
On September 14th, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen christened the Laura Maersk, the world's first green container ship, in a historic ceremony. This extraordinary vessel, owned by the Danish business Maersk, is expected to change the future of marine transportation by running Read More...
A quiet electric aircraft resembling a bug-like creature glides above the iconic Eiffel Tower and the zinc-grey rooftops of Paris in a stunning spectacle. The Paris area intends to exhibit a small fleet of electric flying taxis during the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, clearing the way for a Read More...
In a state beleaguered by drought, high temperatures, and growing wildfire dangers, the idea of placing solar panels over irrigation canals to address both water loss and climate pollution is finally getting traction. Solar AquaGrid creators Jordan Harris and Robin Raj envisioned a game-changing Read More...
While honeybees are notoriously difficult to study, changing their natural behavior when any outside influences are detected, they are also extremely vulnerable to colony collapse due to cold. If hive temperatures fall below 50 °F, the bees stop buzzing and producing heat and fall into a lethal Read More...
The green skin and stomach protector aloe vera unveiled a new weapon in its arsenal: its discarded peels. Previously discarded as agricultural trash, these peels are now set to become nature's response to crop-munching pests. Scientists at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley developed a Read More...
Our hearts are incredible for all that they do— but that said, they aren't great at mending themselves. Consequently, after a heart attack, a lot of scar tissue forms in the heart, making it less pliable and unable to pump blood. Researchers have identified a way to reverse some of the damage Read More...
The environmental impact of the fashion industry has become an increasing worry in a society where fast fashion has been the standard. But there is good news! Three biotechnologists based in the UK have created a new type of self-healing leather derived from mycelium, the vegetative component of a Read More...
New York State recently approved groundbreaking legislation mandating all-electric new construction, making it the first state in the US to prohibit the use of fossil fuels in buildings. The All-Electric Building Act, which is scheduled to be signed into law soon by Governor Kathy Hochul, will Read More...
Do you wish to conquer the world of takeaway container recycling? Let's dive into the deceptively complex world of packaging—sustainable and otherwise— armed with knowledge to ensure that we dispose of them in the best way possible. Chinese food containers Consider the lovely folded Read More...