While the world wastes a mind-boggling one-third (or 1.3 billion tons) of the food it produces, in some parts of the globe people can barely find a bite to eat. This makes it even more important to come up with solutions to this urgent issue. With that in mind, industrial designers Altino Alex Read More...
Last week, two cheetah cubs were born at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium in Ohio. But this was no typical birthing. Rather, it was a historic moment as it marked the first time ever that cheetahs were born through in vitro fertilization (IVF) to a surrogate mom. IVF has been difficult to achieve Read More...
Green pledges from companies such as Starbucks and H&M show that consumer pressure does have an impact on corporate behavior. In another win for consumer activists this week, Kellogg’s is responding to an online petition started by two sisters a year ago and taking a stand against Read More...
High student debt levels have come to the forefront of the election debates this year. Last Thursday, the University of Southern California (USC) announced it will tackle high tuition costs by offering full undergraduate tuition waivers for American students from families with annual incomes of Read More...
The rate of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has increased greatly in recent years, but many children still go undiagnosed. Fortunately, new research published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders has found that a non-invasive eye scan could potentially Read More...
The possibility of life on Mars has intrigued scientists and citizens alike as the potential for water on the red planet keeps NASA searching its surface. This summer, NASA will launch its most elaborate rover yet to gather samples from the planet. The 2,260-pound rover will be searching for life Read More...
It’s not hard to understand why many parents don’t let their kids walk and bike to school in Los Angeles where streets are designed for the fast movement of cars. In LA, crashes are the leading cause of death for kids aged 4 to 15. To keep kids safe, parents revert to cars—even if the trip is Read More...
Did you know grasshoppers can be bright pink? Neither did we—until this past weekend when an eye-catching story was published by an NBC affiliate in Texas. Apparently, a three-year-old discovered a bubble-gum pink grasshopper while exploring his garden in Austin, which prompted his mother to snap Read More...
Arbikie Distillery in Angus, Scotland claims to have created the world’s first “climate positive” gin using garden peas. The company’s Nadar Gin avoids more carbon dioxide emissions than it creates per 70cL bottle. According to the company, each bottle has a total carbon footprint of Read More...
Here’s something you probably haven’t seen before. This week, King’s College Hospital in London released a video of a woman playing the violin while doctors performed brain surgery on her. That woman is Dagmar Turner, a 53-year old woman who has had a slow-growing tumor since 2013. Knowing Read More...