We don’t really appreciate how important hearing is until it starts diminishing. Those with hearing loss and their loved ones might realize then that this is an essential part of most people's communication and connection. Biotech company Frequency Therapeutics has found a way to reconnect those Read More...
It's important to show the people you love how much you truly care—but how can you be sure that your expressions of affection are landing the way you want them to? The key to ensuring that your love (romantic, familial, or friendly) isn’t being lost in translation, is to learn their love Read More...
The US Great Lakes are treasured and iconic wonders of North America's natural splendor. Countless families and individuals flock there for fun and thousands of species of animals, fish, insects, and birds call those waters home. Being important waterways, they also hold major economic importance Read More...
Countries around the world make encouraging and incremental progress toward equality every day. Many countries are banning inhumane practices such as conversion therapy, and some are making restitution to former victims of overturned anti-LGBTQ+ laws. While this is emboldening the fight for equal Read More...
Canada has now become a world leader in environmental policy. On Monday, it laid out its final plans and regulations on how it intends to ban single-use plastics. Federal health minister Jean-Yves Duclos said the country recycles “only 8 percent of the plastic [Canada] throws away” and Read More...
Almost seven years ago, The Optimist Daily did a piece on Dan Price, CEO of the credit card processing company Gravity Payments. At the time Price was making news by raising the salaries of all of his employees to a minimum of $70,000 a year. This moral decision was applauded by many, but critics Read More...
Due to various political and healthcare data breaches setting off alarm bells, the general public is slowly realizing that their data is at risk of being used against them in potentially harmful ways. At issue as well, "big data" collection is such a new technology that there are few laws in place Read More...
We’ve all wondered when we take out the recycling just how much of it will be recycled, remade, and repurposed into a new product as we hope. Sadly, only 10 percent of plastics globally are successfully recycled, and there’s a lot of work to do to ensure everything we put in the recycling bin Read More...
Last year, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FSW) declared the ivory-billed woodpecker extinct. That, however, proved to be a premature move. That’s according to a team of researchers, bringing a new glimmer of hope for the bird’s existential status after reporting the woodpecker alive and Read More...
After the pandemic years of alienation from each other, the downfalls of the once sought-after single-nuclear-family housing are becoming clearer. Not only is it financially impractical and ecologically damaging, but it’s isolating, and discourages the building of strong local communities. With Read More...