While the world has set big targets for tackling climate change, keeping track of progress is quite difficult — especially with so many factors involved. Wouldn’t it be great if there were a tool that could quantify the impact of various climate actions and clearly show how we’re doing on Read More...
As the cost of living continues to climb ever higher, some governments are taking their time as they draw up and execute plans that will help support their citizens. Spain’s governing bodies, on the other hand, are charging full steam ahead to relieve their people of at least some financial Read More...
The Paris Agreement is an international treaty on climate change adopted by 196 Parties at COP21. The overarching goal is to limit global warming to below two degrees Celsius, and ideally keep it only to 1.5 degrees Celsius. In a world-first, the supreme court of Brazil has declared that the Read More...
Here at The Optimist Daily, we have been sharing every exciting step of the James Webb Telescope’s journey, from its long-awaited launch, to when it reached its final destination. Now the machine has delivered the deepest and sharpest infrared image of the distant universe yet! Known as Read More...
In the small town of Rescaldina, Italy, Ukrainian refugees fleeing the Russian invasion are finding a safe haven in unexpected dwellings: the homes of Italy’s ‘Ndrangheta, one of the most powerful Mafia-type organizations in the nation. According to the town’s mayor, Gilles Andrè Ielo, Read More...
In the late 19th century, gray squirrels were introduced to the United Kingdom from the United States. Since then, the gray squirrel population has exploded in the UK to the detriment of the county’s woodlands. These squirrels strip the bark of trees to get at the sap beneath, and British forests Read More...
Even if your morning routine is already jam-packed, we have one tiny thing we suggest you add to that routine: drinking a cup of lemon water. For something that hardly takes any effort to do, it’s amazing just how many ways a bit of lemon water in the morning can make you healthier. Below, Read More...
While it’s not something considered in job benefits, taking care of one’s pets does take time. Checkups with the vet and necessary treatment can necessitate pet owners to miss a couple of days of work to care for their furry loved ones. In recognition of this responsibility, more companies Read More...
The Pandemic turned everyone’s world upside down, causing us all to adapt to new ways of life and society to find a new “normal.” While this experience came with its negatives, it also created an opportunity for numerous lessons to be learned and possibilities for change, especially when it Read More...
The shift to remote work during the pandemic has normalized the work-from-home (WFH) culture for an increasing number of companies. But while some firms have individually expanded their WFH policies, no country has solidified it as a legal right. That is, until now. The Netherlands has just become Read More...