Today’s Solutions: March 17, 2025


Soccer coach with kids on the field

4 ways to donate your time and show your community love

While financial donations can go a long way in providing help to someone, there are plenty of other ways to give back as well. Specifically, by donating your time! There’s always a need for volunteers, and depending on the organization, volunteer work can be something you do on a regular basis. Read More...

Chicago Microgrid

The Bronzeville microgrid: One part of a bigger, safer future

Unpredictable and impactful weather events like wildfires, snowstorms, and tornadoes present a particular problem for large areas with large unifying power grids. In one wild day, a whole city’s power and essential services can be shut off. It’s for this reason that researchers and utilities Read More...

two people in orange raincoats look out at minke whale in Icelandic waters

Demand is dwindling—Iceland decides to end whaling by 2024

For now, Iceland remains one of the only countries in the world that still hunts whales commercially. As demand declines, however, the fisheries minister has said that they plan to end whaling by 2024. “There are few justifications to authorize the whale hunt beyond 2024,” wrote Svandis Read More...

To improve young people’s se

To improve young people’s self esteem, ditch the term virginity

Here at The Optimist Daily, we are all about empowerment. Whether it’s through societal, financial, or physical means, hearing these stories are important to inspire our own. That is why this Valentine’s Week, we wanted to share with you this interesting take on sexual empowerment and the Read More...

Happy father with daughter on his shoulders

New basic income pilot expands access to immigrant families

From boosting infant brain activity to generally improving people’s quality of life, there are many cases documenting the benefits of implementing guaranteed basic income programs. Inspired by the growing body of evidence about these benefits, a new pilot project in New Mexico will soon study its Read More...

two stacks of the green reusable pallets from the Pallet LOOP system

Reusable pallets make the UK construction industry greener

Wasted wooden pallets are a huge problem in construction. In the UK alone, the construction industry goes through 18 million wooden pallets every year (the production of which requires a total of 6,000 acres of forestry), and most of them are used only once!  At a time when it’s becoming Read More...

Strong black female entrepreneur CEO boss queen with natural hair stares authoritatively into camera

US Black businesses on the rise thanks to women entrepreneurs

At the beginning of the pandemic, between February and April 2020, Black business ownership in the US suffered a dramatic drop of more than 40 percent. According to a report from the House committee on small businesses, this was the largest drop experienced by any racial or ethnic group. Then, Read More...

Three young people on their phones while waiting for the metro

How to do a digital detox while still carrying a smartphone

Like it or not, “interacting with the world around us” often requires a digital interface, which makes doing a digital detox pretty difficult — this is especially true during a pandemic. But that doesn’t mean you can’t disconnect from the digital world. It is possible to continue using Read More...

The River Dee in Scotland

Scotland plants over a million trees to help save wild salmon

The bodies of water around the world have been experiencing unprecedented warming that is taking a toll on the ecosystems and marine life that inhabit them. One of the species that is suffering from this warming is wild salmon. That’s why, in Scotland, the River Dee Board and Trust in partnership Read More...

Nature's Giants- Icebergs in Greenland, under summer’s permanent daylight. What we see often is only a fractional part of what it really is. The whole truth is often hidden from view.

Submarine to explore the underside of Greenland’s glaciers in a first

Scientists are desperately trying to save the world’s glaciers. As they hold a large amount of water and carbon dioxide, it is essential that we slow the demise of these structures for the climate's sake. We’ve previously written about a group using special mountain blankets on Mount Titlis Read More...