Earlier this year, scientists caused a debate by reporting that two-thirds of cancer types were down to luck rather than factors such as smoking. But in a new study published in the scientific journal Nature, another team of researchers concludes just the opposite: 70-90% of the cancer risk is Read More...
Nature is so clever, its ingenuity keeps amazing us. Perhaps you already knew of the folk remedy of drinking a warm glass of milk before bed to make you sleep better. Now, scientists in South Korea found out that cows milked at night actually produce milk that makes you sleepy. The milk collected Read More...
Stopping severe blood loss quickly can be the difference between life and death. Yet, doing so can be extremely tricky. That was, until the invention and approval of the XSTAT 30, a syringe filled with compressed sponges that expand and effectively stop blood loss when injected into a wound cavity. Read More...
Chemotherapy would be a much better option for treating cancer if the medicine could go directly into cancer cells without effecting the delicate blood vessels and healthy cells that surround them. Researchers from the University of Illinois may have found a way to do just that. What the Read More...
Learning, memory, and brain repair rely on the ability of our neurons to change with experience, and a new study suggests that exercise enhances this essential plasticity of the adult brain. The cerebral cortex, where this process occurs, is known to decline as we age. However, the study finds that Read More...
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S., and of all the deaths that occur each year, more than 50% of them could have been prevented. We all know to avoid smoking, but the other four main causes—obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes—can each be eliminated Read More...
A new study by Australian researchers challenges current dentistry practices, up to the point where they say drilling is old-fashioned. Instead, they say, tooth decay happens so slowly that it can be stopped and reversed before a filling is necessary. According to the researchers, it takes an Read More...
It's been quite the obsession of humankind. Throughout history we've been searching high and low for the key to stopping aging processes. Will we ever find the key to eternal youth? It's a grand concept, almost impossible to grasp. But for scientists from ETH Zurich in Switzerland and the Jena Read More...
Telomeres are stretches of DNA at the ends of chromosomes that protect our genetic data. Telomere length shortens with age. Researchers also suspect that telomere dysfunction contributes to hypertension and cardiovascular disease. So it's fantastic to know that we might be able to protect our Read More...
It was rather slow in coming. But finally, some of the major brands in luxury fashion are taking sustainability seriously. The changing mindset is reflected in growing investments in sustainable measures such as cleaner fabrics, animal rights and better manifacturing conditions. The change is Read More...