Today’s Solutions: September 21, 2024

408 results for "biodiversity"

Nord-Pas de Calais

Once a French coal-mining zone, now a green tourism hub

Once upon a time, Nord-Pas-de-Calais supplied half of France’s coal. This region in the north of the country is distinguished by the giant pyramid-like black cones of slag which are a result of three centuries of environmental and economic hardship.  Now, when you get close to the slag cones, Read More...

Humpback Whales in Pacific Ocean

The New Symbiosis: Living with Wildlife

“We’re animals. We’re born like every other mammal and we live our whole lives around disguised animal thoughts.” - Barbara Kingsolver By Oliver Kammeyer Human society developed an idea over time that it is separate from nature, that we exist apart from it, or in spite of it. Perhaps it Read More...

humpback whale jumps out of the water

Australian humpback whales come back from endangered status

The majestic and graceful humpback whale is a sight to see in the wild, but unfortunately, these creatures were not only admired by those who have the pleasure of seeing them but desired so much that they became a target for whalers.  Between the 19th and mid-20th centuries, the population of Read More...

person's gloved hands working in garden

5 tips for growing a resilient garden this spring

Gardening is a therapeutic and healthy hobby that will get you outdoors after a long winter of lockdown. If you are interested in trying your hand at creating a thriving garden, here are five essential tips that will boost your chances of success. Choose a variety of seed types and different Read More...

gloved hands cup micro plastic found on beach

California’s plan to tackle the problem of microplastics 

It’s time to face the facts: teeny tiny microplastics are everywhere and despite their size, they’ve become a prodigious problem. Not only are they in our bodies, they plague the ocean and its biodiversity and are even floating through the air. Checking microplastics The state of California Read More...

man with popcorn chooses movie to watch

Green role models, an eco-friendly media change

Scientific advancements, policy changes, and technological solutions are certainly important in our fight against climate change, however, we cannot rely only on these methods if we truly want to help the environment. To effectively tackle the climate and biodiversity crisis, we must also Read More...

Healthy soil and vegetables

Healthier soil means healthier food

We’ve written in the past about regenerative agriculture and how it benefits the planet. It’s a simple system of farming that involves plowing less, using cover crops, and diversifying to create healthier soil. The practice has made products that are 100 percent carbon negative, and it has Read More...

Bees pollinating

Colorado drafts bill to save its bees

Did you know that bees and other insects like them pollinate nearly three-quarters of the plants that produce 90 percent of the world’s food? Bees are a small insect that play a big role in their environments. They work to improve plant life, biodiversity, and even our own food supply.  A Read More...

Mirema community members replant tree

This Kenyan community regrew its forest

At The Optimist Daily, we love stories fighting deforestation or spurring reforestation. Forests are our friends. They host myriad wildlife, foster ecological diversity, consume carbon dioxide, and breathe out oxygen. They also do a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to reducing floods.  In Read More...

tourist takes selfie with monkey

Your vacation photos can help scientists track endangered species

In an increasingly digital world, photos may be worth much more than just a thousand words. Sharing snapshots of our food, loved ones, and vacations on social media is a common way to connect—but it can also be a useful way to help scientists track threatened and endangered species. Through an Read More...