Today’s Solutions: September 21, 2024

408 results for "biodiversity"

Bacteria Produce Ammonia

Ammonia-making bacteria could replace polluting fertilizers in the future

Ammonia fertilizers have been effective at helping farmers grow their commercial crops. However, they’re also one of the major sources of nitrogen pollution, contaminating waterways and threatening biodiversity. A recent study, published in the American Society for Microbiology, however, suggests Read More...

Grey wolf protection reinstated

Protections for endangered gray wolves renewed across much of US

Last Thursday, a howl of gratitude sounded from the endangered gray wolves of the US, after Federal protections were reinstated after being removed by the former administration.  In a trend of environmentally positive action, Judge Jeffrey White of the US district court of Oakland, California Read More...

Italian countryside scenery with the Dolomites in the background

Italy’s passes new law that makes its constitution greener

Italy’s natural beauty is iconic. Indeed, its rolling green hills, lush forests, and fertile river valleys have made it not only one of the most agriculturally prosperous lands in Europe but also a popular tourist destination. That being the case, environmental groups have long voiced their Read More...

Person wearing blue denim skinny jeans and a pink and black shirt with dog on a walk in an autumn forest.

Why your dog shouldn’t poop wherever it wants in nature

Interestingly, poop is a recurring theme at The Optimist Daily. From maintaining a regular bathroom schedule, aiding the search for a home for endangered owls, and fish poop feeding the world’s largest vertical farm. The latest addition to these poop-filled articles is a Belgium study Read More...

two children with baby elephant in the middle of the jungle

Another reason to protect wildlife? Pandemic prevention

It’s safe to say that we are done with the Covid-19 pandemic, and wish that it would disappear. As vaccines are developed and we learn more about the nature of the virus, we have been slowly figuring out how to continue on in a semi-post pandemic world. However, the worst scenario would be that Read More...

The River Dee in Scotland

Scotland plants over a million trees to help save wild salmon

The bodies of water around the world have been experiencing unprecedented warming that is taking a toll on the ecosystems and marine life that inhabit them. One of the species that is suffering from this warming is wild salmon. That’s why, in Scotland, the River Dee Board and Trust in partnership Read More...

These Indigenous women are hel

These Indigenous women are helping save endangered coral reefs

Coral reefs are some of the most important ecosystems on the planet. In addition to providing essential habitat for marine life, they also protect coastal areas from waves, storms, and floods, all while providing a key source of income for hundreds of communities around the world. With that said, Read More...

Two people canoeing in Banff National Park in Canada

Canadian doctors are now prescribing patients "time in nature"

Here at The Optimist Daily, we’ve shared countless stories on the benefits of spending time in nature on many levels—emotionally, physically, and mentally. Well, health care providers in four Canadian provinces (British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario) are taking these findings Read More...

Two beaches in the Galapagos archipelago on a sunny day

Ecuador creates a new marine reserve north of the Galápagos archipelago

Since its discovery in 1535, the Galápagos archipelago has fascinated researchers and visitors from all over the world. In an effort to preserve its lush and biodiverse ecosystems, Ecuador has recently created an extensive new marine reserve north of the islands. The new reserve, called Hermandad Read More...

Reusing items for a zero-waste garden

Make your green thumb even greener by cultivating a zero-waste garden

If the thought that’s keeping you warm through these winter months is looking forward to getting back into your garden, you're surely not alone. We’ve shared many stories that tout the benefits of gardening, not only for the gardeners’ overall health but for the health of our natural Read More...