Today’s Solutions: September 21, 2024

Total number of posts: 22900

Do kids and adults really need

Do kids and adults really need different sunscreens? An expert weighs in

Sunscreen is an essential component of our daily skincare routine, but many parents are curious about whether they need to buy different sunscreens for their children. For a better understanding, a board-certified dermatologist shares some advice. Meet the expert Dr. Dendy Engelman, MD, FACMS, Read More...

Finland’s free contracep

Finland's free contraception initiative reduces teen abortions by 66%

Finland's multifaceted approach to preventing teenage abortions has proven highly effective, with a 66 percent reduction reported between 2000 and 2023. This large drop, owing to free contraception and obligatory sex education, serves as a model for public health programs. The impact of free Read More...

Cancer therapy breakthrough: X

Cancer therapy breakthrough: X-rays expose and exterminate brain tumor cells with precision

A revolutionary study from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore (NTU Singapore) developed a novel way to selectively target and destroy brain tumor cells using extremely low-dose X-rays. Radiodynamic therapy, a novel treatment, stopped tumor development and doubled survival time in animal Read More...

Beer spas are a frothy new wel

Beer spas are a frothy new wellness trend taking over the USA

Would you immerse yourself in a tub of beer to improve your health and well-being? This unique European ritual has captured Americans, resulting in a thriving industry of beer spas across the country. From Europe to the USA: the beer spa phenomenon Beer spas initially appeared in the Czech Read More...

Easy steps for firm and smooth

Easy steps for firm and smooth-looking legs

Summer is here and it is time to shed our outerwear layers! If you are looking to make your legs appear and feel firmer this summer, these few simple tips will help you glow even more than you already do. Here's how to implement a body care program that will keep your legs looking and feeling great Read More...

Insect migration: the hidden s

Insect migration: the hidden superhighway of the Pyrenees

Insects, while frequently disregarded, are critical to the planet's ecosystems. They make up about 90 percent of all animal species and play important functions in both ocean and land ecosystems. Without them, life on Earth could be severely disrupted. New research from the University of Exeter has Read More...

The rainbow flag, an evolving

The rainbow flag, an evolving symbol of LGBTQIA+ pride

During Pride Month, the rainbow flag, which represents LGBTQIA+ pride and solidarity, can be seen hung on homes, businesses, and bumpers. It's more than simply a brilliant show; it represents safe spaces and constant support for the LGBTQIA+ community. The origins of the rainbow flag On June 25, Read More...

Attention gardeners! Here̵

Attention gardeners! Here's how to prepare your garden for summer heat waves

With record-breaking heat waves forecast in the United States this summer, maintaining a healthy garden might be a problem. But don't worry—by taking a few simple steps, you can ensure your plants survive even when the temperatures rise. First and foremost, if you're just getting started with Read More...

cute robin splashes in bird bath

As the weather warms up, here's how to help animals handle a heatwave

BY THE OPTIMIST DAILY EDITORIAL STAFF Right now, much of Europe and North America are experiencing ongoing heatwaves with record-breaking temperatures.  It’s not just humans that are struggling to cope. Yes, it’s getting hot in here—but taking off a sweater, jacket or shirt isn’t an Read More...

Podcast Transcript June 14, 20

Podcast Transcript June 14, 2024: Emergency Service Equity for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing and Tackling Period Poverty in Indigenous Communities

Episode Description Emergency Service Equity for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing and Tackling Period Poverty in Indigenous Communities This week's solution news: Arielle and Karissa are excited to be sharing solutions again after a three-week break. Today, they focus on health-care-facing Read More...