Today’s Solutions: September 21, 2024

408 results for "biodiversity"

Conservationists bring the Sah

Conservationists bring the Saharan gazelle back from the brink of extinction

The mhorr, more commonly known as the Dama gazelles, were once a common sight in Naudhibou, Mauritania. But following years of local unrest and indiscriminate hunting, the species was pushed to the brink of extinction about half a century ago, leaving conservationists little hope about the Read More...

Honey bee pollinating blossoming cherry tree

When bees can't get to crops, these robots step in

Colony collapse disorder, harmful pesticides, and climate change have all contributed to the global decline of bee species. This is not only an urgent biodiversity problem but also an issue for our global food systems since a lot of our crops rely on these little insects for pollination. Produce Read More...

5 Optimistic predictions about

5 Optimistic predictions about the COP26 climate conference

The stakes (and tensions) are high this week as the COP26 climate summit kicks off in Glasgow. Big issues, like renewable energy and biodiversity, are being discussed on a global scale, and while there are huge issues to tackle, there are also reasons to be optimistic. Just the fact that world Read More...

engineer stands in front of wall of plastic pollution

These 5 new California laws combat plastic waste

The problem of plastic is in many ways a pandemic in and of itself, and the entire world is suffering from it. Most consumers believe that recycling is an effective way to combat the plastic problem, however, in practice the system simply doesn’t work, and in fact, only encourages people to Read More...

newly hatched sea turtle crawls in the sand

Cape Verde's sea turtle conservation efforts prove to be a resounding success

The West African island nation of Cape Verde is experiencing first-hand the rewards of years of conservation effort. In the past five years, Cape Verde has seen a surge in sea turtle populations across all 10 of its islands. According to the country’s environment ministry, last year’s nest Read More...

Irish castle surrounded by nature

The lord of rewilding: Irish Baron turns his estate into a nature preserve

According to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the world would need to rewild and restore a territory the size of China over the next decade to meet commitments on nature and tackling climate change. In Ireland, a landowner, and holder of one of the oldest surviving Irish peerage Read More...

California grants leatherback

California grants leatherback sea turtles further protection

For decades, the population of the great Pacific leatherback turtle off the California coast has declined by 5.6 percent per year. To address this devastating loss, California’s Fish and Game Commission recently voted to list the turtle as endangered under the state’s own Endangered Species Read More...

Help scientists locate walruse

Help scientists locate walruses by becoming a walrus detective

The Arctic is under increasing threat due to climate change, and so is the biodiversity that it supports. That’s why the World Wildlife Fund for Nature and the British Antarctic Survey have decided to collaborate with space tech company Maxar Technologies to initiate the “Walrus from Space” Read More...

Gut Instincts—Health and the

Gut Instincts—Health and the microbiome

“Our body teaches us that health lies in balance and harmony, rather than in conflict and fighting.” - Ilchi Lee BY Amelia Buckley Whether choosing a sandwich option for lunch or accepting a new job offer, we’re all familiar with gut instincts. Although the term “gut instinct” only Read More...

Familial Forestry teaches vill

Familial Forestry teaches villagers in India that trees are a part of the family

Shyam Sunder Jyani is a professor of sociology in India, but his passion project for the last 15 years has been tree planting. He was inspired by the sparse tree coverage at the campus he worked at back in 2003. With help from his class, he was able to replace the dying trees around the college Read More...