Today’s Solutions: September 21, 2024

408 results for "biodiversity"

Australia returns one of world

Australia returns one of world's oldest rainforests to Indigenous people

This past Wednesday in a formal ceremony, the state government of Queensland, Australia, agreed to return four national parks to the Indigenous Eastern Kuku Yalanji people. The official decision follows four years of negotiations. One of these four parks is Australia’s Daintree Rainforest, one Read More...

St Andrews University embraces

St Andrews University embraces pollinator-friendly rewilding on campus

If you visit St. Andrews University in Scotland, you will probably be impressed by the beautiful campus, but the university is going above and beyond to make its grounds even more impressive by transitioning its lawns into pollinator-friendly meadows. The Urban Meadows for Pollinators Project Read More...

These US cities are home to tr

These US cities are home to tree-mendous green spaces

Urban green spaces and forestry have a multitude of benefits ranging from cognitive development and mental health to decreased crime rates, lower energy costs, and cleaner air. They also offer shelter for wildlife, boosting local biodiversity. The following US cities have taken urban forestry in Read More...

Good news for our oceans: tuna

Good news for our oceans: tuna species no longer on brink of extinction

In 2011, most tuna species were considered at serious risk of extinction, following decades of relentless commercial fishing. Thankfully, some of these species are on the way to recovery, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) which recently released an update of its Read More...

Midlands National Forest combi

Midlands National Forest combines rewilding and community

The National Forest in Midlands is the first forest to be created at scale in England in 1000 years. The first tree in this rewilding initiative was planted 30 years ago and today the forest spans 200 square miles across three counties. The forest is not only home to habitat and recreation Read More...

Modified prairie grass cleans

Modified prairie grass cleans up munitions chemical pollution

Military conflict takes a significant toll on human life and local infrastructure, but did you know that munitions chemicals can also leach into soil and groundwater, contaminating ecosystems for generations? One specific explosive chemical, called RDX can cause seizures and possibly cancer when it Read More...

This is how we could put our u

This is how we could put our urban rooftops to better use

As cities around the world look to integrate more greenery into their urban landscapes, rooftops could offer a solution to the problem of land scarcity in growing urban areas. However, a new book from architecture firm MVRDV explores more useful ways to transform roofs in order to improve the Read More...

August 31, 2021

August 31, 2021

Summers talks cemeteries and biodiversity, while Kristy explores a new initiative capturing energy from nightclub dancers in Glasgow. Listen to The Optimist Daily Update with Summers & Kristy - Making Solutions the Read More...

August 31, 2021

August 31, 2021

Summers talks cemeteries and biodiversity, while Kristy explores a new initiative capturing energy from nightclub dancers in Glasgow. Listen to The Optimist Daily Update with Summers & Kristy - Making Solutions the Read More...

A tree gets planted in Uganda

A tree gets planted in Uganda every time a baby is born 9,000 km away

In 2008, a tree-planting charity called the Size of Wales set off to plant a new tree in Wales for every baby born or adopted in order to offset carbon emissions. After reaching its national targets, the scheme extended its efforts to Mbale, a hilly, heavily deforested area of Eastern Uganda that Read More...