Today’s Solutions: September 21, 2024

Total number of posts: 22900

Coping with transnational grie

Coping with transnational grief

For Amrita Chavan, leaving Mumbai for Canada at the age of 19 was the start of a new experience, but it also marked the beginning of a completely new life, at a distance. She vividly recalls the heartbreaking goodbye at the airport, surrounded by her crying relatives. She had no idea how painful it Read More...

Outdoor play could be a vision

Outdoor play could be a visionary solution for children's eye health

In the age of screens and digital devices, encouraging children to engage in outdoor play may appear to be a daunting task. However, new research reveals a strong reason to emphasize outdoor activities: protecting children's vision. Discover why doctors recommend at least two hours of outdoor play Read More...

Volcanic ash may be a game cha

Volcanic ash may be a game changer in sustainable solar energy storage solutions

When calamity hits and volcanic ash blankets the land, it is commonly perceived negatively, for many obvious reasons. However, novel research from the University of Barcelona demonstrates that this seemingly gloomy substance has enormous promise as an energy storage medium, providing a Read More...

Unraveling the layers and comp

Unraveling the layers and complexity of the great force of hate

Hate—what a loaded term, full of tremendous emotions and complicated connotations. But have you ever paused to consider what lies beneath the surface when we casually use the word "hate"? Let's take an excursion into the web of human emotions, shining light on the intricate fabric of hatred and Read More...

Scientists use machine learnin

Scientists use machine learning to begin understanding complex orangutan communication

Tropical field and behavioral ecologist Wendy Erb explores the world of orangutans in Borneo's lush, emerald tropical peatland woods. Her mission? To comprehend the language of these amazing creatures, particularly how male Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) communicate— a quest fraught Read More...

How embarking on a fictional l

How embarking on a fictional literary adventure shapes your brain 

It's time to celebrate, bookworms! Scientists revealed some fascinating findings about the effects of reading fiction on the brain, and the results are nothing short of astounding. According to Lena Wimmer, a postdoctoral researcher at Maximilian University in Germany, venturing into the world of Read More...

3D-printed polypill covers all

3D-printed polypill covers all your medication for the entire day

Keeping track of many medicines and dosages might make it difficult to remember to take medication. However, a new invention in healthcare could provide a remedy. Researchers at the University of Nottingham pioneered the notion of 3D-printed "polypills," which aim to simplify drug regimens and Read More...

A guide to the three kinds of

A guide to the three kinds of movement your body needs every week

Making physical activity a priority has never been more important for our health in this fast-paced society when sitting all day is the standard. While walking has traditionally been regarded as a basic and accessible form of exercise, there is much more to achieving peak health than simply Read More...

Boosting solar power: reflecto

Boosting solar power: reflectors under panels increase efficiency 

Researchers at the University of Ottawa, in partnership with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), announced a ground-breaking innovation to improve solar panel efficiency. By incorporating reflective surfaces beneath solar panels, the researchers increased energy output by an impressive Read More...

5 DIY and natural colon cleans

5 DIY and natural colon cleansing methods that really work! 

Within the field of health and wellness, colon cleansing has become a popular fad, frequently promoted as a way to improve gut health and general well-being. But is a natural colon cleanse really necessary, and if so, how can one do one from the comfort of home? Let's examine the nuances of colon Read More...