Today’s Solutions: September 21, 2024

408 results for "biodiversity"

Basel knows how to increase ur

Basel knows how to increase urban green space: make it mandatory

Research shows that urban greenspace not only enhances air quality but also supports biodiversity and the mental health of residents. The city of Basel, Switzerland has successfully interjected greenery into its concrete jungle by making urban greenery (and all of its benefits) a legal requirement Read More...

This endangered baby tapir is

This endangered baby tapir is on an important conservation mission

The Baird’s tapir is listed as an endangered species on the IUCN Red List, with less than 5,500 animals left in the wild. As a result of habitat loss induced by logging and land clearing for agriculture, the animal population has decreased by over 50 percent in the past three decades. Tapirs Read More...

Lifesaving apps protect humans

Lifesaving apps protect humans and snakes in India

As we try to tackle the climate crisis, people are becoming more and more conscious of the importance of protecting and conserving the world’s biodiversity—even wildlife that can harm or potentially kill us. However, when faced with a dangerous animal, what is the “best way” we can react? Read More...

Autonomous drones can be used

Autonomous drones can be used to quickly sniff out gas leaks

Gas leaks can be dangerous and even fatal disasters in homes, offices, and businesses, but fortunately, researchers from the Delft University of Technology have come up with a high-tech solution to keep our building safer: gas leak-sniffing drones. Using algorithms inspired by insect behavior, Read More...

The UN draws up Paris-style st

The UN draws up Paris-style strategy with ambitious goals to protect the planet

The UN has set out a Paris-style strategy to halt biodiversity loss. Some of the ambitious goals of this plan, which was drawn up by the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) include eliminating plastic pollution, protecting a minimum of 30 percent of the world’s oceans and land, and Read More...

C40 cities commit to conquerin

C40 cities commit to conquering climate change with urban greenspaces

Concrete jungles are being infiltrated with urban green spaces as 31 major cities, including London, Barcelona, and Milan, have signed a declaration to invest in reintroducing nature to their metropolises. Mayors of each city agreed to strive for the C40 cities network goal of transforming 30 to Read More...

How controlled burns are bring

How controlled burns are bringing back a rare Maryland orchid

The Oxypolis canbyi plant, also known as Canby’s dropwort is an extremely rare orchid which only lives in the Delmarva Bay, part of Maryland’s wetlands. Generations ago, regular wildfires would have swept through this area, clearing out space for the flowers to thrive, but wildfire suppression Read More...

Two conservationists create a

Two conservationists create a “Google Translate” for endangered elephants

It’s known that elephants are highly intelligent and social creatures, and scientists have spent years trying to understand how these magnificent beings communicate. However, scientific publications have proven insufficient in cataloging the constant stream of new discoveries being made about Read More...

Birdwatchers in Singapore awes

Birdwatchers in Singapore awestruck by sighting of once extinct bird

Bird enthusiasts, rejoice! A rare sighting of the once extinct green broadbill bird in Singapore has created a stir among bird watchers, who have flocked to the offshore isle of Pulau Ubin to see the emerald green creature. The bird, which gets its name for its highlighter-green plumage, was Read More...

In a world first, a herd of el

In a world first, a herd of elephants is going from the UK back to the wild

For the first time ever, a herd of elephants will be released from a zoo back into the wild to provide a healthy living space for the animals and rewild part of their native habitat. The 13 elephants in question will travel from Howletts Wild Animal Park in Kent, southern England to a wild space in Read More...