A small selection of the countless products and companies that won't leave chemicals behind in your body
Marco Visscher and Najiba Abdellaoui | November 2005 issue
The annual Organic Top 40 is Ode's international selection of sustainable products and honest companies. This year's overview is Read More...
"You're a genius"
Marco Visscher | September 2005 issue
How do I become a genius?
“Everyone is born with the capacity to be a genius. That particular talent is located in the right brain. But it is precisely that portion of the brain that the prevailing educational system fails to tap into. Read More...
"you can live to be 120 years old"
Marco Visscher | Jan/Feb 2005 issue
Why 120? “Every animal species has an age limit. Jeanne Calment died in 1997 at age 122. If one person can do it, so can others. Moreover, it has been proven in hundreds of simple studies that animals live at least 50 Read More...
The green movement is ready to come back home
Jay Walljasper| July/Aug 2006 issue
A new surge of environmental concern sweeps the world every 18 years, almost like a natural cycle.
The whole idea of ecology took root in 1970 with the first Earth Day, which sparked a burst of successful projects to Read More...
The big obstacle in tracking the dangers of toxic substances
Marco Visscher | November 2005 issue
It’s not easy to gauge the overall impact of chemicals on your health – and that’s not only because of ethical objections to using human test subjects. The biggest obstacle is that it’s Read More...
Gender differences greatly affect diagnosis and treatment
Tijn Touber | April 2005 issue
Medical researchers recently proved that men do in fact come from Mars and women from Venus. The U.S. firm GeneLogic makes “sample cards” from chromosomes, which display a variety of colours indicating Read More...