We think the world is in trouble. But the reality is that every day all over the world at every moment, people are solving problems. That's why all of us should try to spread those stories that make the world a more beautiful place.
Jurriaan Kamp | April 2006 issue
Before Ode was founded in 1995, I
The tiny Himalayan nation of Bhutan pursues happiness as a political goal. Ode pays a visit to the place that may turn everything we know about economic development on its head.
Stephan Herrera | December 2005 issue
Every developing country works hard to cultivate an image, a distinct brand Read More...
Daydreams, fantasies and nocturnal explorations are practical tools that can help us lead more fulfilling lives. Tom Hodgkinson, Britain's best-known professional daydreamer, explains the real trick: to harmonize our dreamworld and our dayworld.
Tom Hodgkinson | May 2005 issue
How we suffer
At the School for Peace Young Israelis and Palestinians talk to, quarrel with and scream at each other. They learn more about the people they label their enemies. Not to mention themselves.
Tilman Wörtz | June 2004 issue
They meet in a small room with 20-odd chairs placed in a circle and thick Read More...
Female leaders can change the course of our political and economic future--for the benefit of everyone.
Marie C. Wilson | October 2005 issue
I often hear people say that the lack of women in positions of political leadership is an issue that pales next to world crises—global terrorism, fragile Read More...
Taking charge of feelings so they don't rule your lifeTijn Touber | March 2006 issueScreams, curses and lamentations… That was what was coming out of Jill's mouth. For 15 solid minutes she made clear to me that no one understood her and that her life was unbearably difficult. She was furious with Read More...
"a year should have 13 months"
Marco Visscher |March 2005 issue
What’s wrong with a 12-month year?
“Our current calendar is completely absurd. It was conceived by a caste of male priests who were looking for an instrument to ensure we’d pay our taxes on time. The word ‘calendar’ stems Read More...
We should stop debating
Macro Visscher | March 2006
WHAT’S WRONG WITH DEBATING?Thomas Benedict: “In a debate, reason is misused in order to defeat the other person. Literally. Just look at the origin of the word. De is ‘to the utmost’; bat is ‘beat.’ You see it in words like battle and Read More...
What happened when Jay Hammond started thinking of other ways to share the gifts of nature Peter Barnes | March 2006 issue
When former governor Jay Hammond, who died last August, became involved in Alaska politics in the sixties, he lived in the treeless, windswept fishing village of Naknek. He had Read More...