Today’s Solutions: September 21, 2024

Total number of posts: 22900

Pure gold

Pure gold

British chocolate maker stimulates fair trade and organic cocoa production. | August 2003 Read More...

Sowing the seeds of autism

Sowing the seeds of autism

Increasing evidence is linking autism and vaccinations. Are vaccines making our children autistic? Tijn Touber | August 2003 Read More...

'We can do it better ours

'We can do it better ourselves'

Argentina's bankruptcy victims are now its main job creators. | August 2003 Read More...

Healing through the world'

Healing through the world's hurt

Therapists never ask their patients if their suffering is connected to world events. But psychotherapist Miriam Greenspan believes that more and more people are hurting from the increasing perception of threats in the world. Greenspan takes a stand on the psychology of global suffering. Miriam Read More...

Fatal harvest

Fatal harvest

While enough food is being produced to feed the world, a large portion of the population is going hungry. Meanwhile, the incidence of wealth-related disease is increasing in the west due to unhealthy eating habits. Ode launched an investigation and details the devastating myths around modern Read More...



Marco Visscher introduces this month's theme on modern agriculture and food.Marco Visscher| April 2003 issue When children are asked where milk comes from, the majority says: 'From the supermarket.' I happen to know that this isn't quite true, as my grandparents had a dairy farm. But even so, I Read More...

Well done, Ryan!

Well done, Ryan!

How an 11-year-old Canadian boy became the hero of an African village. Tijn Touber | April 2003 issue When six-year-old Ryan Hreljac learned at school that there are many children in Africa without clean drinking water, he decided to help. Ryan, who lives in a small town near Ottawa, in Canada, was Read More...

Enjoying food

Enjoying food

Rob Baris, who owns the Z&M delicatessen and the famous Zinc restaurant in Rotterdam, is a bon vivant without dogmas. He has worked out an action plan for Ode readers: a menu of delicious food that is healthy and socially responsible.Marco Visscher | April 2003 issue Going shopping The first step Read More...

Myth 1: Industrial agriculture

Myth 1: Industrial agriculture will put an end to hunger

Not true. Hunger is not caused by food shortages, but by poverty. Marco Visscher | April 2003 issue Hunger plagues some 800 million people in the world. In India, 200 million do not get enough to eat, in Brazil 70 million and in the United States 33 million. Every four seconds someone in the world Read More...

Myth 2: Industrially produced

Myth 2: Industrially produced food is safe, healthy and nutritious

Not true. In fact, industrial agriculture compromises food safety and nutrient values while increasing incidences of illnesses such as cancer, heart disease and obesity. Marco Visscher | April 2003 issue A trip to the local supermarket feeds the belief that there is nothing wrong with our food. Read More...