A surprising new technology for cleaning up the smell and disease of garbage
Marco Visscher | April 2005 issue
If there was a technique that allowed you to actually smell the problem discussed in this article you’d likely toss the magazine out the window. We’re talking about something Read More...
Citizen sparks a media revolution
Marco Visscher | March 2005 issue
“Every citizen is a reporter.” This is the motto of the acclaimed South Korean website OhmyNews. After making a significant impact on a number of national issues in Korea, OhmyNews has expanded its operation to include an Read More...
It's time for leaders to inspire us
Tijn Touber | Jan/Feb 2005 issue
A couple of weeks ago the 16-year-old daughter of an American friend came to visit. The first evening she wanted to go to a punk concert in a rough neighborhood of Amsterdam. It seemed like the ideal setting for drugs, violence Read More...
The European Court of Human Rights shows how justice can cross borders. Is it a model for the whole planet?
Jay Walljasper | April 2006 issue
The plight of 5-year-old Tabitha Kaniki Mitunga sparked international controversy in 2002 when Belgian officials detained her alone at an immigration centre Read More...
Editors | Jan/Feb 2009 issue
Integrative medicine begins with the basics: what you eat, what you do and how you think. Here are three tips for staying healthy from Victoria Maizes, executive director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine.
Eat a healthy diet. “The Mediterranean
Awarded writer Ben Okri's blueprint of the university of the future.Ben Okri | June 2003 issue
In the future, centres of learning will teach at least one thing we do not teach today: the art of self-discovery. There is nothing more fundamental in education. We turn out students from our Read More...
A simple practice in meditation. | June 2003 issue
In the following meditation, the emphasis is on breathing, but the underlying aim is to achieve a calm, non-judgemental awareness whereby your thoughts, feelings and sensations come and go without getting caught up in them. Sit in a relaxed Read More...
Each year Ode honors the top organic companies and products that are helping to make the world a cleaner, more sustainable and healthier place. Our November cover story ("Everyday toxins") looked at the thousands of chemicals that enter our bodies every day as a result of our food, cosmetics, Read More...