Today’s Solutions: September 21, 2024

408 results for "biodiversity"

Ecologists discover two new sp

Ecologists discover two new species of fluffy marsupials in Australia

It’s a rare occasion when not one, but two new mammals are discovered by scientists in a single day, yet that’s exactly what happened in Australia this past week. In a new study published in Nature's public access Scientific Reports journal, scientists confirmed that there are actually three Read More...

To stop biodiversity loss, we

To stop biodiversity loss, we must return half of the planet to nature

This will be a hard pill for nature lovers to swallow, but a recent report from the United Nations revealed that the Earth has lost 68 percent of species since 1970. This a huge problem for both wildlife and humans. Without a diverse range of animals and the lands they inhabit, humanity is poised Read More...

Small village in Scotland secu

Small village in Scotland secures massive land buyout to create nature reserve

A small community in the south of Scotland has succeeded in buying a large part of one of Scotland’s most famous grouse moors owned by one of the UK’s most powerful hereditary landowners. The successful initiative will pave the way for the creation of a major new nature reserve aimed at Read More...

Population of endangered leopa

Population of endangered leopard species rebounds in China

As a result of poaching and increasing loss of habitat, leopard populations have experienced a global decline in recent years. But that’s not the case for the big cats in the Loess Plateau, northern China, where numbers of the North Chinese leopard subspecies have increased, according to recent Read More...

A daycare built a ‘fores

A daycare built a 'forest floor', and it changed kids' immune systems

Time in nature is valuable for children’s physical and mental health, so one daycare in Finland decided to invest in a playground that replicated the forest floor. The results were amazing.  Adding indigenous forest species to the playground The daycare replaced their sandy playground surface Read More...

Rope bridge restores forest pa

Rope bridge restores forest passage for critically endangered apes

When a landslide on China’s Hainan Island damaged an arboreal highway that allowed the critically endangered Hainan gibbons to cross from one side of the forest to the other, conservationists were quick to find a solution and provide the apes with a safe route across the gully: an artificial Read More...

Playing underwater ‘music’

Playing underwater ‘music’ attracts young fish to degraded coral reefs

Whether it’s the “crackle of snapping shrimp” or the swishing sounds of fish passing by, a healthy coral reef tends to be quite a noisy place. These are sounds that young fish are attracted to once they have hatched and spent their larval stage in the open ocean. The problem is that once a Read More...

Futuristic plant-monitoring bu

Futuristic plant-monitoring buggy makes farming more sustainable

With a heavy reliance on fertilizers, pesticides, and valuable water supplies, it’s needless to say that our current farming practices are anything but environment-friendly. And with a growing population, agriculture’s effects on our climate are only expected to worsen in the next few Read More...

WWF report: plant-based diets

WWF report: plant-based diets can restore our planet’s health

A plant-based diet may make for a healthier lifestyle but it can also go a long way in preserving our planet’s health too. At least, that’s what the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) aims to highlight in its most recent report, The Restorative Power of Planet-Based Diets. The report, which was Read More...

65 country leaders pledge to r

65 country leaders pledge to reverse destruction of nature

Leaders from 65 countries recently came together to make a renewed commitment to putting nature on the path to recovery. As reported in Deutsche Welle, the commitments include eliminating plastic leakage to the oceans by 2050 and incentivizing banks and businesses to value the natural Read More...