Today’s Solutions: September 21, 2024

408 results for "biodiversity"

General Mills to become carbon

General Mills to become carbon neutral by 2030 by cutting food waste

Major food company General Mills announced this week that it plans to reduce emissions by 30 percent over the next decade and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. A big part of meeting this goal will be reducing food waste by at least 50 percent. In the past year, four percent of the company’s Read More...

Learn about regenerative agric

Learn about regenerative agriculture by watching this Netflix documentary

Climate change is a complex, multilayered challenge that requires a complex, multilayered solution — and, though not widely known, regenerative agriculture has been taking center stage as such a solution over the last couple of years. From a climate perspective, the main idea behind regenerative Read More...

How drones and AI can restore

How drones and AI can restore degraded ecosystems

Over the last several centuries, humans have felled around 2 billion hectares of forest, leaving behind an area of degraded land comparable to the size of Australia. To restore these ecosystems that are essential in our fight against global warming, we need urgent reforestation efforts that go Read More...

Map shows the natural areas we

Map shows the natural areas we must protect to mitigate climate change

The world’s population has exploded and expanded over the past century, but more than half of the earth is still in a natural or semi-natural state. Protecting these untouched areas is critical for mitigating climate change, so the Global Safety Net project has created an interactive map of both Read More...

This sustainable building is h

This sustainable building is home to more than 1,000 trees

What if a building could host more plants than the entire nearby park? This is the vision of designer Koichi Takada Architects who plans to build a beautiful green Urban Forest in Brisbane, Australia.  The proposed building would be covered in 1,000 trees and 20,000 plants, including 259 native Read More...

DNA study reveals rare frog sp

DNA study reveals rare frog species not documented since 1968

We recently wrote an article about five species that were rediscovered after being thought to be extinct. Thanks to a DNA study in Brazil, we have another species to add to the list: the Megaelosia bocainensis frog.  Frogs are a notoriously elusive species with impressive camouflaging Read More...

Hawaiians build state-of-the-a

Hawaiians build state-of-the-art fence to save rare native birds

While the Hawaiian islands are home to all kinds of life today, that wasn’t always the case. Apparently, not a single land-dwelling called the islands home 1,500 years ago—only winged insects, one variety of bat, and a vast array of birds had the honor of living on the archipelago. Many of Read More...

Another company is out to capt

Another company is out to capture all the CO2 it has ever emitted

When it comes to offsetting carbon emissions, Microsoft has set a new precedent for companies around the world. Instead of trying to offset more emissions than it produces on a yearly basis, the company has committed to erasing its historical carbon footprint. In other words, Microsoft will capture Read More...

How TikTok became a powerful v

How TikTok became a powerful vehicle for climate action

TikTok is often thought of as a social media app used by kids to share silly videos. But the reality is that TikTok is quickly becoming a major platform for people to educate others about protecting the environment. For instance, Philip Aiken has received more than 1.4m likes on the app. But his Read More...

Brooklyn Bridge will feature s

Brooklyn Bridge will feature sustainable tropical wood and wider bike lanes

A source of pride for New Yorkers, the Brooklyn Bridge is one of the city’s most recognizable landmarks, with thousands of pedestrians and cyclists crossing the bridge every day. A new project aims to reimagine the bridge as an icon of climate action and social equity by refurbishing the Read More...