Today’s Solutions: September 20, 2024

408 results for "biodiversity"

The OPTIMIST VIEW: Getting ove

The OPTIMIST VIEW: Getting over Growth and Measuring what Matters

"Human Beings have been doing markets since we came down out of the trees, but not everything can be measured in markets." Hazel Henderson By Kristy Jansen How do you measure success? For some it might be lots of money, adoring fans or a powerful position. Others measure their riches in Read More...

Scientists are listening to Bo

Scientists are listening to Borneo’s rainforest to protect biodiversity

As in many tropical areas around the world, Borneo's lush rainforests are disappearing at an alarming rate due to illegal logging. This poses a real threat to the region’s incredibly rich biodiversity that includes 221 species of land-living mammals, 420 species of birds, as well as 15,000 Read More...

Riverbottoms and Rainforests:

Riverbottoms and Rainforests: Emissaries making an Impact

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead BY AMELIA BUCKLEY Before the pandemic hit, Karin Muller had planned to roadtrip the United States to feature unsung heroes working in their Read More...

Indigenous communities are usi

Indigenous communities are using drones to protect Amazon’s iconic jaguar

For many indigenous communities in the Amazon, the jaguar represents a culturally revered animal that, like many other species in the lush Brazilian rainforest, is key to maintaining a thriving ecosystem in the area. In recent years, however, increasing loss of habitat and a surge in illegal Read More...

Scientists 3D-printed terracot

Scientists 3D-printed terracotta tiles to restore degraded coral reefs

Like in many other parts of the world, coral presence in Hong Kong has suffered a significant decline in recent years, due to many pressing challenges, including rising ocean temperatures, overfishing, and pollution. This is troubling since coral reefs are some of the most diverse and valuable Read More...

It’s official: New Guinea ha

It’s official: New Guinea has the highest plant diversity of any island

Scientists have explored and studied much of our terrestrial world, but there is one place that remains quite the hidden gem: New Guinea. The “paradise island” has some of the best-preserved ecosystems on the planet, including coastal mangroves, huge expanses of untouched tropical rainforest Read More...

Indigenous people play a key r

Indigenous people play a key role in preserving vulnerable ecosystems

Environmentalists typically turn to rigorous scientific research to preserve ecosystems, but a recent study shows that grassroots knowledge from Indigenous people can play an equally important role in conservation efforts. The new study from Rutgers University collected more than 300 indicators Read More...

Trinity College to transform c

Trinity College to transform campus lawn into native wildflower garden

We recently shared a very popular article about replacing tradition lawns with a clover alternative. Trinity College Dublin is taking a page out of the alternative grass handbook and opting to turn their college green into a native flower garden to promote pollinator health and boost Read More...

Pakistan meets UN goal on clim

Pakistan meets UN goal on climate action, 10 years ahead of schedule

Pakistan is ranked as one of the world’s most climate-vulnerable nations - a position that has pushed the country to implement an incredible number of green initiatives in recent years, all in a bid to make it more resilient in the face of climate change. Now, Pakistan has turned its green Read More...

Every $1 invested in the ocean

Every $1 invested in the ocean generates $5 of benefits for the planet

Investing money towards protecting our oceans isn’t just about saving this precious source of biodiversity. According to a new report, every $1 invested in key ocean actions can generate $5 in economic, health, and environmental benefits. The report comes from the World Resources Institute, Read More...