Today’s Solutions: November 23, 2024

484 results for "carbon dioxide"

Will carbon capture technology

Will carbon capture technology help us combat climate change in the future?

Extracting vast amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere could help to limit global warming. The only problem is capturing carbon is currently very costly. That’s why it’s good news that Climeworks, a Swiss company that wants to capture 1 percent of man-made carbon dioxide emissions by Read More...

Start-up to revolutionize the

Start-up to revolutionize the concrete industry by making it more sustainable

A North Carolina based start-up is working on revolutionizing one of the major contributors to CO2 emissions - the concrete industry. The material is second only to water as the most consumed resource on Earth, and its key ingredient - cement - is the sources of about 8 percent of the world’s Read More...

This company pulls carbon from

This company pulls carbon from the air, aiming to avert a climate catastrophe

At a major climate meeting in Poland, nearly 200 countries are trying to reach a deal on dramatically reducing carbon emissions. But a recent U.N. report found that may not be enough to avoid dangerous impacts from the warming climate. In fact, the world is falling so far short of what's needed, it Read More...

Italy’s fashion capital want

Italy’s fashion capital wants to plant 3 million trees by 2030

Milan has an ambitious plan to plant 3 million trees by 2030 in an attempt to relieve Italy’s fashion capital of air pollution and offer a more green touch to the cityscape’s grey-predominant architecture. The scheme is estimated to increase the number of trees by 30 percent which would absorb Read More...

Grasslands more reliable carbo

Grasslands more reliable carbon sink than trees

Forests have long served as a critical carbon sink, consuming about a quarter of the carbon dioxide pollution produced by humans worldwide. But decades of fire suppression, warming temperatures and drought have increased wildfire risks — turning California’s forests from carbon sinks to carbon Read More...

Restoring balance and harmony:

Restoring balance and harmony: A paradigm shift

If we were to describe the underlying message that we seek to express at the Optimist Daily it would be that we live in a “we-world” not in a “me-world." We recognize and respect the many challenges facing our society, yet too often “doom and gloom” stories are the only kind of news we Read More...

System to capture astronaut ex

System to capture astronaut exhalations inspires Earth-based CO2 removal

When astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) exhale carbon dioxide (CO2), it's removed from the air and pumped into space. Could an Earth-based version help remove greenhouse gas emissions from our atmosphere? In order to limit global warming to Read More...

Your future smartphone could f

Your future smartphone could fix its broken screen by pulling carbon from the air

Carbon-fixing materials — substances powered by the sun that use atmospheric carbon dioxide to grow and repair themselves, just as plants do — don’t yet exist outside the lab. But scientists are getting tantalizingly close to making them a commercial Read More...

Electric ferries represent the

Electric ferries represent the first step in sustainable maritime transportation

Since ferries take the same route again and again, they will be first mode of maritime transportation to be electrified. In Canada, two electric ferries equipped with a battery pack system are already getting to work. The electric vessels, which originally ran on diesel, are expected to reduce Read More...

Why forests are the best ̵

Why forests are the best 'technology' to stop climate change

The warning from the world's top climate scientists that carbon dioxide (CO2) will need to be removed from the atmosphere to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius is both a due and dire recognition of the great task in front of Read More...