Home should be a sacred space: the place where you feel secure, and can unwind at the end of a long day – it’s also where we entertain friends, and increasingly, a place to work or study. New methods and materials introduced since the early 20th Century have offered architects and daring Read More...
If you want to take a peek into what the future of home design holds for us, you should have a look at this newly completed house in Dübendorf, Switzerland. Once inside, you’ll be whisked away to a world of science fiction. From the swirling grooves on the 3D printed ceiling panels to the Read More...
Integrating the combination of biology and technology into our living spaces could help us develop a more sustainable relationship with our natural environment. With more biomaterials emerging at the horizon, integrating them with smart gadgetry could reshape our living spaces into healthier and Read More...
Architecture is powerful, and like nuclear energy, it all depends on how it is used. While it can create uninhabitable municipalities, it can also create safer cities that improve quality of Read More...
The young architects behind a school in rural Brazil didn't expect international recognition for their work. Their goal was simply to serve disadvantaged students in the remote community of Formoso do Araguaia, a municipality around 500 kilometers (311 miles) northwest of the country's capital, Read More...
Passive houses are leading the way toward a carbon-neutral future by producing more energy than they use and drastically reducing fuel bills and C02 emmissions. To find out more about passive houses, architect Rolf Disch and how to make your house a passive house take a look at our passive house Read More...