Petrochemicals, chemicals made from fossil fuels, are present in an estimated 6,000 products (and probably more), but Bay Area startup Twelve thinks there is a better way to produce these chemicals. And maybe even help the planet while they’re at it. Rather than sourcing petrochemicals from Read More...
While carbon capture technology is capable of doing what its name implies, it hasn’t proven itself feasible because there’s not a large enough market for captured CO2 to justify the huge cost. Some companies within the industry have experimented with turning the CO2 into jet fuel. Others are Read More...
The fuel needed to launch a rocket into space creates a whole lot of emissions. In fact, each SpaceX launch is estimated to emit 715 tons of CO2, which is roughly as much as 10 cross-country flights on a 747. As spaceflights become more common, there is a need for a more sustainable source of fuel. Read More...
In the UK, captured carbon is starting to be used to create bubbles that make beer fizzy. Now that we have a way to drink CO2, a Finland-based company has come up with a way to eat it too. Yes, we’re sure that the last sentence was a bit strange to read (it is 2019 you know), but bear with us a Read More...