Today’s Solutions: October 17, 2024

Kansas City sets bold target t

Kansas City sets bold target to make government 100 percent carbon-free by 2020

Kansas City aka “The Heart of America” has voted unanimously to transition all its municipal electricity to carbon-free sources by the end of 2020. Kansas City was among the first US cities to declare its support for the goals of the Paris Agreement and has been putting that support into Read More...

Finland to phase out coal comp

Finland to phase out coal completely within the next decade

Finland pledged to eliminate its reliance on coal by 2030, but now the Nordic country has changed its mind. Instead, the Finnish government has pushed through a motion to complete the coal ban a year earlier. Now we know what you’re thinking: just one year? What’s the big deal? While it may not Read More...

Why don’t we replace the

Why don't we replace the border wall with an energy-water corridor?

Here’s an idea: Instead of an endless, inert wall along the U.S.–Mexico border, line the boundary with 2,000 miles of natural gas, solar and wind power plants. Use some of the energy to desalinate water from the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean and ship it through pipelines to thirsty Read More...

California has already surpass

California has already surpassed its 2020 renewable energy target

When a state or company creates ambitious climate action targets for itself, it’s commendable. But only when those targets are actually achieved can those entities be recognized and respected. A few years back, California set a goal of having 33 percent of the state’s retail electricity come Read More...

By 2035, Atlanta will power al

By 2035, Atlanta will power all its buildings with clean energy

Atlanta is known for many wonderful things, but sustainability is not one of them. In fact, the city currently gets less than 10 percent of its energy from “clean” sources while ranking fourth-worst in the country when it comes to energy affordability. For a city that gets as much sunlight as Read More...

Belgian scientists have come u

Belgian scientists have come up with a solar panel that produces hydrogen

Heating homes and buildings with oil, propane, or natural gas costs a lot of money and pumps a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. How great would it be if there was a solar panel that would convert sunlight into clean burning zero emissions hydrogen to keep us all toasty warm at home and at Read More...

This coal giant is switching t

This coal giant is switching to climate-friendly assets—despite Trump

Glencore was one of the coal mining giants that were set to benefit greatly from President Trump’s generous laws favoring coal. But instead of grabbing the opportunity with both hands and pushing coal energy forward, Glencore has put a cap on its coal production and announced it will switch its Read More...

Corporate clean-power deals mo

Corporate clean-power deals more than doubled last year compared to 2017

Last year, corporations demonstrated their dedication towards stepping over to renewables. In 2018 the corporate clean-power deals more than doubled compared to the record set in 2017. Big firms’ sustainability targets and concerns about climate change are driving a green boom that has been Read More...

This startup is making investi

This startup is making investing in clean energy projects easier than ever

A new crowdsourcing platform makes it possible to direct even the smallest investments towards clean energy projects. At the Jumpstart platform, people can put just a few bucks into the projects of their choice in the form of a loan. Once the project is successfully functioning, investors are paid Read More...

Designers created a shipping c

Designers created a shipping container that mimics clouds to create clean water

In 2016, the competition asked designers to build a device that could extract at least 2,000 liters of water a day from the atmosphere, use clean energy, and cost no more than 2¢ a liter. From the competition came a shipping container that can use clean energy to extract clean waters out of thin Read More...