Today’s Solutions: March 06, 2025

The second-best time to plant

The second-best time to plant a tree is now

A hairy, naked male and a hairy, naked female crouch over the body of an antelope they’ve just killed. They’re looking up with fear and fight in their faces as a huge bird of prey swoops down to try to steal their kill. A jackal lurks in the background, biding its time. It’s a frozen moment Read More...

Climate solutions: is it feasi

Climate solutions: is it feasible to remove enough CO2 from the air?

Is there still time to avoid runaway climate change? To a large degree, the answer depends on the feasibility of “negative emissions” — techniques or technologies that suck CO2 out of the air. In the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), all scenarios for Read More...

How farms can benefit from the

How farms can benefit from the presence of solar panels

After observing solar farms for the past couple of decades, researchers have found that solar farms have an incredible ability to alter the microclimate under them. In fact, scientists in Oregon found that 90 percent more biomass flourished in areas partly or fully covered by solar panels. This was Read More...