We’ve previously talked about the benefits of spirulina. Considered a superfood, blue-green algae have been touted for its high nutritional value. And although it has become popular as a supplement among wellness-focused people, the algae still hasn’t reached mainstream adoption. That may Read More...
The ongoing climate crisis has forced us to scrutinize the transportation industry for its reliance on fossil fuels. However, Canadian clean energy company Huron Clean Energy in British Colombia and its partner Carbon Engineering Ltd. are engineering a game-changing fuel made out of the air for Read More...
Swiss researchers from the Wood Materials Science Laboratory at the ETH Zürich and the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology in Dübendorf are working on an exciting new way to generate energy that requires us to simply move around our own homes and buildings. The Read More...
Increased urgency to reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases has led to a rise in the number of reforestation projects aimed at cutting carbon emissions while greening up our planet. However, with limited land available to restore forests, these projects alone won’t be sufficient to pull excess CO2 Read More...