Coral reefs are some of the most important ecosystems on the planet. In addition to providing essential habitat for marine life, they also protect coastal areas from waves, storms, and floods, all while providing a key source of income for hundreds of communities around the world. With that said, Read More...
There’s been a miraculous discovery made in the depths of the South Pacific Ocean—a rare stretch of pristine corals off the coast of Tahiti that appears to be unscathed by climate change or human activities. The coral reef was first discovered by Laetitia Hédouin from France’s National Read More...
The Florida Reef Tract is the third-largest reef in the world… and it’s steadily disappearing due to coral bleaching and climate change. To address this dire situation, scientists have been working tirelessly to figure out how to grow coral in a lab-induced setting which can then be used to Read More...
The type of algae known as dinoflagellates are valuable for improving the health of corals in warming waters, and now, researchers from Rice University have discovered that they reproduce via sex, meaning that algae sex could be critical for the survival of coral reefs. The algae reproduce by Read More...
We at The Optimist Daily are always interested in new and innovative ideas to help save our oceans. The ever-increasing quantity of carbon dioxide emissions present in the atmosphere is making our oceans warmer and more acidic which in turn degrades coral reefs and threatens marine Read More...
It’s no secret that coral reefs around the world are at risk due to human-caused climate change and pollutants. However, scientists at the University of Pennsylvania figured out a way to potentially limit our damage on coral reefs by taking coral species that were strong enough to survive severe Read More...
Coral reefs are one of nature’s most amazing spectacles. Coral not only brings vibrance to underwater landscapes but also provides a home for more than a quarter of the world’s marine animals. Unfortunately, rising temperatures are putting corals under stress, expelling the algae that lend them Read More...
When Tropical Cyclone Winston struck Fiji back in 2016, it decimated the reefs across the archipelago’s Namena reserve and Vatu-i-Ra. But four years later, to the delight of researchers, the coral reefs in the region are now once again thriving with life and vibrant colors. Following a recent Read More...
In addition to climate change-induced bleaching, Caribbean coral reefs are also plighted by seaweed overgrowth, which covers up the corals, shading them from light and preventing young corals from growing. As scientists are looking for ways to save these lush ecosystems, a team of researchers from Read More...
Earlier this month, we wrote a piece about Hawaii’s Hanauma Bay and how its incredible coral reefs are teeming with life thanks to the lockdown. Today, we bring your more good news from Hawaii as a team of scientists have created the first-ever aerial map of the island's precious coral reefs. Read More...