Today’s Solutions: September 16, 2024

The disabled are people too

The disabled are people too

Erzs Tijn Touber | June 2004 issue WHO? Erzsébet Szekeres WHAT? Alliance Industrial Union, providing care, training and housing for the disabled WHERE? Hungary WHEN? 1982 WHY? Disabled people deserve economic opportunity and maximum of independence When Erzsébet Szekeres went in search Read More...

Type in: problem Find: solutio

Type in: problem Find: solution

Theresa Williamson collects solutions to the day-to-day problems of poor peolpe all over the world. How does she do it? By looking at what works in other poor communities. Tijn Touber | June 2004 issue WHO? Theresa Williamson WHAT? Catalytic Communities, a virtual network to share solutions to Read More...

The India brand

The India brand

India is Asia's latest economic success story. However, it is not growing by marketing cheap labor or raw materials, but through brain power and talent. Jurriaan Kamp, who had lived in India, for years describes a miracle. "If this is globalization, then I'm all for it." Jurriaan Kamp | May 2004 Read More...

Kuyichi: Max Havelaar in jeans

Kuyichi: Max Havelaar in jeans

Marco Visscher | April 2004 issue The Dutch development organisation Solidarity had earlier pioneered the ‘fair price’ for coffee beans and the shift to organic cultivation. A few years ago it was time for a new project: clothing. Solidaridad launched Kuyichi, a clothing brand whose products Read More...

No sweat

No sweat

Marco Visscher | April 2004 issue “Sweatshop” is the common term for workshops which pay low wages for the monotonous work of sewing ready-to-wear clothing, often for many hours each day and under strict supervision. These factories flourish in developing countries like India, Vietnam, Mexico Read More...

Global growth, global trash

Global growth, global trash

How the West got rich from broken headphones.Jonathan Rowe | March 2004 issue Nanay and Tatay are my wife’s parents. One evening, on a visit with them a few months ago, Tatay and I went out to the bamboo shed beside the house to start the generator, the only source of electricity on the farm. Read More...

Free Africa

Free Africa

Foreign aid and debts have shifted attention from the native population to donors and banksMarco Visscher | January 2004 issue ‘The talk of aid is a lot of hot air. Aid has never developed a single African country to the stage of social transformation.’ Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni tells Read More...

Plan B

Plan B

We are witnessing a global bubble economy of dot-cosmic proportions. We are destroying natural resources at an alarming rate, and robbing futureLester Brown | January 2004 issue First the bad news: China’s economic boom could well lead to a global disaster. A human population of 1.3 billion and Read More...

And now in other news…

And now in other news...

Dissatisfaction with ever-bigger media companies stimulates growth of alternative news sources. Marco Visscher | November 2003 issue Earlier this year, an American Senate committee asked media tycoon Rupert Murdoch to justify the fact that each week his radio stations dedicate over 300 hours to Read More...

Sex and the single duck

Sex and the single duck

A distressing story of abduction, racial prejudice and murder -- all in the name of protecting biodiversity. David Cox | November 2003 issue New Labour’s ever-growing army of critics have yet to accuse it of genocide. They should. The United Kingdom’s caring government proposes to exterminate Read More...