We’ve all been there-you're sitting at your desk, trying to come up with some juicy new idea, only to find your creative pipes clogged. While sometimes we blame it on a lack of caffeine in our bodies, some of the most frustrating roadblocks to creativity can actually stem from being in a static Read More...
In today’s world, we have created a culture where to be constantly productive is equivalent to being successful. We apologize over lunch with a friend when the cell vibrates, as if being always available for work or other “emergencies” means we really do matter. Even if it also means we just Read More...
While video games are mainly a source of entertainment, new research suggests some games can also get your creative juices flowing. In a recent study, researchers from Iowa State University found that video games such as Minecraft may help increase creativity when players are given the freedom to Read More...
One of the greatest gifts you can give a person is the inspiration they need to get their creative juices flowing. That’s because creativity helps a person perceive the world in new ways, allowing them to produce creative solutions in all aspects of their life—whether it be on a canvas, a Read More...
The creative process is nothing terribly glamorous. It’s about routine, painstaking time-consuming attention to detail, knowing when to give up, and the like. But that’s also what makes it so accessible. Genius has a lot less to do with creative success than the humble and patient surrender to Read More...
A creativity boost is as simple as a 10-Hertz current run through electrodes attached to the scalp, according to a new research study on the impact of alpha wave oscillations in the brain. Meditation yields the same result, as people who have incorporated the practice regularly can attest to. The Read More...
“Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind,” Roman philosopher Seneca famously wrote. Two thousand years later, scientists are able to prove him right. A recent study published in the Academy of Management Journal establishes a direct correlation between travel and creativity. Read More...
Solutions sometimes come from unexpected sources, as an American potato chip maker that wanted to launch a low-calorie chip knows. The problem was that the chips had a high fat content due to the way they were baked… but chips baked without oil taste like cardboard. The makers had to find a way Read More...
How anger can improve health, enhance intimacy, spur creativity and even inspire social change. Diana Rico | June 2011 issue It’s the 1980s, and I am sitting in the Beverly Hills living room of a major 1950s television star, alongside my romantic and sometimes writing partner. I have obtained a Read More...
According to bestselling author Berthold Gunster, saying "yes, and" rather than "yes, but" is the key to creativity and innovation. HetkanWel | July/August 2010 “Picture this: You have a good idea and the only thing you hear are ‘yes, but’s. ‘Yes, but that didn’t work before Read More...