Today’s Solutions: March 13, 2025

two stacks of the green reusable pallets from the Pallet LOOP system

Reusable pallets make the UK construction industry greener

Wasted wooden pallets are a huge problem in construction. In the UK alone, the construction industry goes through 18 million wooden pallets every year (the production of which requires a total of 6,000 acres of forestry), and most of them are used only once!  At a time when it’s becoming Read More...

Conveyor belt above heap of sawdust

Scientists use wood waste and water to create sustainable disinfectant

While the use of disinfectants has already been a regular thing for many people when cleaning their homes, the pandemic has called for unprecedented sanitization of our close surroundings.  While good at their job, some disinfectants, such as chlorine-based ones, are actually environmentally Read More...

Family happily organizes pantry

Reduce home food waste part I: The pantry

Most of us have probably caught on by now: food waste is not a good thing for our wallets or our world. As reported by the National Resources Defense Council, the average American family of four chucks out $1,500 worth of food annually—but according to the experts, you can help improve this dire Read More...

Here are 8 eco-friendly option

Here are 8 eco-friendly options for your New Year’s Resolutions

If you’re still struggling to figure out what to set as your resolution for the New Year, it may be worth considering a resolution that includes the wellbeing of the environment! In the past 50 years, humanity has more than doubled the consumption of natural resources, which will have (and Read More...

person putting dissolvable laundry sheets in washing machine

The future of eco-friendly laundry detergent is in dissolvable sheets

While laundry pods are supposed to be biodegradable, wastewater treatment plants often don’t have the capacity to create the necessary conditions to dissolve them. As a result, the material in question (polyvinyl alcohol) typically ends up in the environment. There’s also an environmental Read More...

14 Practical ways you can figh

14 Practical ways you can fight climate change

The latest report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has made it clear that human activity has created a “code red for humanity,” and we must act now if we are to prevent the global temperature from rising to 1.5 Celsius above pre-industrial levels and ensure that Read More...

Wash your clothes less to save

Wash your clothes less to save the planet

Sophie Slater, founder of the slow fashion brand Birdsong London, wants to convince people to wash their clothes less. This idea may sound stinky to you, however, there are plenty of methods to keep clothes looking fresh and clean without throwing them in the wash. Slater suggests putting your Read More...

This sleek, zero-waste kitchen

This sleek, zero-waste kitchen design takes a stance against personal waste

A zero-waste kitchen is every eco enthusiast's dream. But, as many of us might know by now, leaving no waste behind when cooking is a daunting, if not seemingly impossible, task. In an effort to make things easier, designer Ivana Steiner has created a sustainable kitchen — made of recycled Read More...

This self-healing concrete fix

This self-healing concrete fixes its own cracks to last longer

Concrete is responsible for around nine percent of global CO2 emissions — that’s three times more than the airline industry. Those emissions come from the material’s production and transportation, as well as repairs associated with its degradation. Though some innovators are working on Read More...

With limited cemetery space, t

With limited cemetery space, tree burials are gaining popularity

Many people expect to be buried after their passing, but what happens when cities begin to run out of burial space? Cemetery space is an increasingly hot commodity in many places around the world, but rather than limiting plot leases to 15 years like Singapore and other regions (after which the Read More...