While conventional pesticides can be beneficial for ensuring crop yields, they are also ecologically damaging. In a bid to provide a greener alternative, a team of scientists has developed a natural pesticide — that’s also a fertilizer — made out of a combination of agricultural and beer Read More...
We all want to live more sustainably, but with all the avenues for reducing waste and emissions, it's not always easy to know where to start. New platform BrightAction is here to help you navigate through the mountain of information that is linked to leading a sustainable life and will make Read More...
Water conservation is an important endeavor that we all play a role in. Some experts say that the world could face a 40 percent global water deficit in under a decade if humans continue to increase water consumption. Here are five small changes you can make in your day-to-day life to start saving Read More...
As the business sector comes to grips with the fact that it needs to shift away from business-as-usual and contribute to a more sustainable and equitable world, impact-driven social enterprises serve as a source of inspiration for how to achieve that. Take Tribal Textiles, for example. The Zambian Read More...
As the negative impacts of human-driven climate change become more obvious in our day-to-day lives, humanity is experiencing a shift in consciousness that prioritizes sustainability and minimizing our carbon footprint. However, breaking old habits in exchange for sustainable ones, such as Read More...
Most air purifiers improve the air quality in your home by removing dust, pollen, mold, and bacteria, using filters made from a combination of glass fibers and plastic. At the end of their lives, typically six to eight months, the nonrecyclable filters are tossed, eventually ending up in a Read More...
Along with plastic pollution associated with their packaging, skincare products often contain chemical ingredients that can have a harmful effect on the environment. Seeking to offer an eco-friendly alternative, sustainable beauty brand Haeckels has developed a zero-waste product that solves the Read More...
Heating and cooling systems are some of the biggest consumers of energy, so finding ways to passively cool buildings and electronics could be a huge saver of money and the environment. Now, thanks to a beetle that likes to hang out in some of the hottest places on Earth, scientists have Read More...
Needless to say, getting a flat tire is a huge pain in the neck. And we can’t even fix the problem. All we can do is temporarily patch the rupture and then throw the non-recyclable tire away. But imagine a scenario where you get one, but instead of swapping it out for a new one, you just smear on Read More...
There’s never been a better time to grow your own herbs and veggies at home, but limited space is a common issue, especially in urban areas. Enter Rotofarm, a compact indoor garden suitable for the kitchen counter that’s designed to provide you with fresh food in an eco-friendly way. (We Read More...