Sheltering in place has all of us asking how we can better work and learn from home. We’ve talked about strategies for creating a more productive home workspace such as putting on real clothes, maintaining a schedule, and eating meals away from your desk, but what about music? When it comes to Read More...
Analytical skills allow us to digest information and communicate it to others. These skills are critical in both our professional and personal lives, so how can we better cultivate them? Here are nine ways to improve your analytical skills, and some of them are even fun! Play games. We played Read More...
Your attention span can be influenced by internal factors (your own brain leads you to shift from one task to another) or by external factors (something in the outside world calls to you). To boost your attention span, you must deal with both internal and external factors. Internal factors: One Read More...
The beauty of playing a sport is that it can remove you from the more regular emotions you usually feel throughout the day and bring you into a state of focus and adrenaline-fueled excitement—especially when a sporting event reaches a crucial moment. According to a new study from Northwestern Read More...
Have you ever had a big decision to make and someone tells you to “sleep on it.” Well, a new study suggests that might just be the best advice a person could give you. At Northwestern University, a team of researchers designed an experiment to test whether cueing music associated with Read More...
If you’re able to make it through the day without falling victim to unnecessary distractions, then you have no need to read any further. But if you’re like most of us who find their attention is constantly being tugged on by different distractions, then we have a few tips for you here that will Read More...
Going back to work after a weekend off, or even after downtime in the evening, can be a challenge. A healthy life-work balance demands that we do take time to mentally detach from our jobs when we go home in the evening and over the weekend. The problem is, if we fully detach, it can be Read More...
Even though office spaces are meant for working productively, it doesn’t always feel that way. From the distraction of open office spaces to the constant requests for meetings, actually getting work done isn’t easy. The abundance of choices brought on by technology doesn’t help either. Yes, Read More...
Life is a balancing act. Between family, friends, work, and whatever else occupies your days, it can be awfully difficult to be in a state of mind that is fully present. And that’s a problem. You see, when you’re thinking about your work while you’re spending time with your kids, or Read More...