Today’s Solutions: March 06, 2025

Toronto’s garbage trucks wil

Toronto’s garbage trucks will run on biofuel made from the city’s food scraps

Garbage trucks in Toronto are becoming cleaner - that is, environmentally speaking - as the city has recently launched an initiative to power the vehicles using biogas produced from the very trash they collect. Starting in March 2020, the city’s fleet of garbage trucks will collect all of the Read More...

Smartphones could soon be able

Smartphones could soon be able to tell when food is no longer safe to eat

In the UK, one out of three consumers tosses out food solely because it reaches the “use-by” date, but 60 percent (4.2 million tons) of the $15.1 billion worth of food Brits throw away each year is safe to eat. In a bid to bring down this eye-watering amount of wasted food and money, Read More...

Save your mushy grapes from be

Save your mushy grapes from becoming food waste by tossing them in the freezer

A good grape is juicy, sweet (with just a touch of tartness), and firm. Once a grape starts to get mushy, it becomes a bad grape. But rather than simply throw away a mushy grape, you can save it by simply tossing it in the freezer. A frozen grape cannot be a mushy grape, and even an overripe, Read More...

A new bill wants to redesign e

A new bill wants to redesign expiration labels to cut down on food waste

Have you ever thrown away food that looked perfectly fine, just because the package said it was expired? As it turns out, a lot of people get confused by date labels on food packaging — and a big reason why is because expiration dates are not uniformly regulated in the U.S. To combat that, Read More...

This brewery is working with K

This brewery is working with Kellogg’s to turn bad cereal into beer

Turning food waste into something valuable. That’s something we love at the Optimist Daily. Just last week, we wrote about a brewery in Brooklyn turning old bagels into delicious craft beer. Today, we present to you a brewery in England that is turning another wasted breakfast ingredient into Read More...

Why you shouldn’t throw away

Why you shouldn’t throw away the pineapple core and other great food parts

Reducing food waste is one of the greatest ways for people to help reverse climate change, and at the same time save money, feed more people, and help preserve threatened ecosystems. Most people likely don't want to throw out perfectly good food – but there are just a lot of things we don't Read More...

Japan amps up efforts to reduc

Japan amps up efforts to reduce food waste around the country

According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, roughly one third of the food produced in the world for human consumption every year – approximately 1.3 billion tons – gets wasted. Earlier this month, agriculture ministers of 20 major world economies have agreed to take a leading role in Read More...

No more tossing away perfectly

No more tossing away perfectly good milk: the ‘smart’ milk carton is on its way

Although many people throw milk away once it reaches its "best before" date, the fact is that the milk will still likely be good for several days after that date. In order to stop people from tossing perfectly good milk, scientists at Cornell University are designing a milk carton of the future. Read More...

This organic material could he

This organic material could help us save tons of food from spoiling too soon

It's the ultimate kitchen let-down: Your toast is prepped, your egg poached, and you cut into your avocado to find it brown, speckled, and mushy. Forlorn, you toss it in the trash (or hopefully, the compost bin) and take the loss. Your avocado toast isn't the only thing that suffers in that Read More...

Data systems have helped Googl

Data systems have helped Google save over 6 millions pounds of food in its cafes

Google recognizes food waste is a problem, both environmentally and economically-speaking. That’s why for the past 5 years, the chefs that work in the kitchen at Google’s headquarters have been measuring the exact amount of food being wasted each day by placing all leftover ingredients in trays Read More...