Today’s Solutions: January 14, 2025

Ireland is looking to plant ne

Ireland is looking to plant nearly half a billion trees to fight climate change

Lately, planting more trees has become one of the top environmental priorities for countries eager to slow down the pace of climate change. The latest nation to arm itself with greenery in the fight against global warming is Ireland. The country’s government has recently announced it will Read More...

UK water utilities to plant 11

UK water utilities to plant 11 million trees to offset their carbon footprint

As the urgency of tackling climate change grows with each passing day, industries across all sectors are looking to implement different approaches to offset their carbon footprint. In a bid to do just that, water companies in England have announced plans to plant 11 million trees - part of a Read More...

France and other countries in

France and other countries in the EU are seeing their forests grow in size

With all the news about increasing deforestation rates around the world, you might form the idea that losing forests is a common trend in all parts of the globe. However, that’s not necessarily true.  Four years ago, for example, France set up one of its newest regional natural parks - the Read More...

Planting more trees could dram

Planting more trees could dramatically help in fight against climate change

In order to achieve stabilization of global temperatures as called for by the international climate goals, we need to reach net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050. And while turning away from fossil fuels to clean energy sources is an essential step, a recent study suggests that the best Read More...

Researchers have developed the

Researchers have developed the first visual model of the ‘wood wide web’

The first global map of the complex web of roots, bacteria and fungi beneath the ground known as the “wood wide web” has been built by researchers amid fears it is under threat by climate change. Using data from 1.2 million forest tree plots in more than 70 countries, scientists from Read More...

With some thanks to India and

With some thanks to India and China, Earth is greener than 20 years ago

It seems whenever the word ‘forest’ is in the headlines of a news story, the story has only to do with deforestation and habitat loss. But that’s not the case with this story. This time around, we’re here to tell you that NASA’s latest study found that the Earth has actually become a Read More...

Sri Lanka to recruit women for

Sri Lanka to recruit women for the world's most ambitious mangrove protection project

Half of the world’s mangroves have been destroyed. They play a critical role, however, in mitigating climate change, as The Guardian explains. Hence the government-backed project to protect 21,782 acres in Sri Lanka through the involvement of women from 1,500 local communities. Micro-loans and Read More...

Apple partners with WWF to pro

Apple partners with WWF to protect 1 million acres of forests in China

Apple is a huge consumer of wood virgin fiber, including the pulp and paper used in the packaging of all its products. Following up with its recent announcement about renewable energy investments in China, Apple declared yesterday that it is investing further in China to protect 1 million acres of Read More...

Indian tribal women successful

Indian tribal women successfully claim titles to ancestral forestland

The plight of indigenous people robbed of their land by greedy corporations with the complicity of corrupt governments is a familiar story around the world. A less ordinary story is that of communities being given the legal opportunity to claim titles to the land that has been sustaining them for Read More...

How to fight climate change wi

How to fight climate change with drones? It’s the trees, stupid!

Planting 36,000 trees in a day for about 15% of the cost of traditional methods: that’s the promise of BioCarbon Engineering, an Oxford-based company that aims to fight climate change through effective reforestation. Drones can survey land for restoration potential, and plant up to 10 Read More...