Vital negotiations to fulfill the Paris climate agreement were supposed to take place at the UN’S Cop26 in November, but the coronavirus has delayed the climate talks. Activists and participants are not impressed by the lack of progress, especially considering the urgent action needed to limit Read More...
The youth isn’t very happy about climate change. If the Fridays4future climate strikes didn’t make that clear, a new court case filed by young activists from Portugal at the European court of human rights makes it abundantly clear. The case, which was crowdfunded, demands 33 countries make Read More...
While parents are responsible for a good part of their children’s education, it appears that these days the educating goes both ways. A new survey of American households found that today’s younger generation may be driving the change for “eco-households” more than anyone thought. The Read More...
There’s a reason why the 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg has successfully goaded powerful politicians into long-overdue climate action in just six months. Thunberg, who is on the autism spectrum, has become a moral authority. Again and again, she’s clearly Read More...