As Americans age, they gain an extra pound of weight annually on average. One way to quell this steady rise in weight is to make nuts a part of your daily diet. According to an in-depth study out of Harvard University T.H Chan School of Public Health in Boston, adding a handful of nuts—say, 12 Read More...
At the ripe age of 70, Jim Owen finally came to realize that his successful career on Wall Street was a burden on his health. Not necessarily because of the stress that came with the job, but because he had been sedentary most of the time. Owen finally began exercising after this realization and Read More...
There’s nothing wrong with taking a nap. In fact, a recent study found that—in moderation—naps may actually be good for your heart. In a new paper published in the journal Heart, researchers found that Swiss adults who took one or two daytime naps per week had a lower risk of heart Read More...
Sensations of comfort and calmness from a close relationship are developed from a young age. Children are taught they should derive love and security from their relationships. Children who experience close and rewarding personal relationships with family and friends are taught to seek our Read More...
The human body is made to move, and physical activity is a requirement for lifelong health. But exercise-related injuries are a significant concern that few people think about until it’s too late. Even a mild sprain can sideline an athlete for weeks, and a sports-related injury can be Read More...
Artificial intelligence is proving itself invaluable in the medical world. Last week we wrote about a new form of AI that can be used to discover Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) 48 hours before it occurs, which can potentially save thousands of lives each year. This time around, researchers are finding Read More...
In recent years, study after study has found that living in neighborhoods with abundant green space is linked to positive health outcomes. These include better heart health, stronger cognitive development, and greater overall longevity. No wonder these areas are also linked to lower levels of Read More...
Recent studies show that your brain can be rewired through neuroplasticity. This means that you’re able to delete negative brain connections to improve or even eliminate anxiety, along with other forms of chronic negative thought processes. There are many ways you can start to change the brain Read More...
When we fret about the deterioration of the American diet, we tend to focus on the excessive amounts of sugar, salt, and calories we’re now eating. What we don’t talk about: an important ingredient that’s gone missing as we’ve been filling our plates with more chicken and cheese. Fiber. Read More...
Wheatgrass is known for its nutrient-dense and powerful antioxidant properties. Many of these purported benefits come from the fact that it’s made up of 70 percent chlorophyll. The idea is that by consuming wheatgrass, you will get many of chlorophyll’s benefits, including detoxification, Read More...