Kicking their cigarette habits for good represents a real challenge for many people. While most adult smokers admit they want to quit, about half of those who try to stop relapse within two weeks. There are many approaches that people use to cease smoking like nicotine gum or behavioral therapy, Read More...
Nowadays, the adoption of automated robots is a common practice among many industries that seek to improve their effectiveness – from automated robots that are tightening the knots and bolts on cars to automated hoovers that clean your home. Now, in efforts to stop the use of pesticides, Read More...
Good nutrition is essential for everyone, but it’s especially important for growing teenagers. However, due to the attractive and addictive nature of junk food, public-health researchers have been struggling for decades to get teens to adopt healthier diets. One of the biggest obstacles is the Read More...
When the spring cleaning season comes around, many homeowners turn to their favorite cleaning products to tidy up. Unfortunately, most of these products contain harmful chemicals that get washed down the drain and into the sewage. The majority of these chemicals are filtered out in sewage plants Read More...
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a very common virus that infects humans. Some of the infection's types are linked to cervical cancer – the second most common type of cancer in women under 35 in the UK. But the good news is emerging on the horizon as researchers claim that routine vaccination of Read More...
It may sound extremely odd, but in the future, your toilet could help save your life. At least, that could be the case if a team of researchers at the Rochester Institute of Technology get their way. They have created a “toilet seat-based monitoring system” that could help hospitals monitor Read More...
Yesterday we wrote about nuts, and how feeding them to your children when they're above 6 months of age can help them avoid lifelong allergies to nuts. Making sure they avoid nut allergies is pretty important, especially after new research found that including nuts within our diets could be key to Read More...
While it’s commonly known that daily physical exercise is essential for a longer, healthier life, a new study suggests that even incredibly short amounts of very easy exercise can do wonders for your health. More specifically, the research has found that engaging in leisurely activities like Read More...
It’s commonly known among sleep enthusiasts that napping during the day can restore alertness, enhance performance, and boost your overall mood. More recently, a new study has found that midday naps are good for more than just that. Researchers found that people who nap during the day are more Read More...
Your body naturally produces acid, bile, and enzymes to help break down what you eat so you can absorb nutrients, but there are also times our digestive system needs a little support. That’s where bitter herbs come in handy. Bitter herbs, also known as bitters, have been shown to facilitate Read More...