Today’s Solutions: March 06, 2025

Napping could reduce your risk

Napping could reduce your risks of suffering from cardiovascular disease

It’s commonly known among sleep enthusiasts that napping during the day can restore alertness, enhance performance, and boost your overall mood. More recently, a new study has found that midday naps are good for more than just that. Researchers found that people who nap during the day are more Read More...

Boost your digestion with this

Boost your digestion with this homemade bitter recipe

Your body naturally produces acid, bile, and enzymes to help break down what you eat so you can absorb nutrients, but there are also times our digestive system needs a little support. That’s where bitter herbs come in handy. Bitter herbs, also known as bitters, have been shown to facilitate Read More...

This biologist is collecting p

This biologist is collecting poo samples to save the future of humanity

There are thousands of species of gut bacteria within us that are vital to our health, but antibiotics and our modern lifestyles are posing a threat to the diversity of the traditional human microbiome, which is no bueno. To save our gut bacteria and the future of humanity, a biologist at MIT by Read More...

What time of day is the best t

What time of day is the best time to work out? Here’s what scientists say

Finding time to exercise can be challenging, and the most important thing is to squeeze in any amount of it whenever you can. But if you want to optimize your workouts to get the widest range of benefits, you might want to try exercising in the morning. According to researchers, working out in Read More...

Ultra-sensitive “lab-on-a-ch

Ultra-sensitive “lab-on-a-chip” spots cancer in a single drop of blood

Detecting cancer in patients can be a painstaking process, one that takes time and isn’t always accurate. A new device out of the University of Kansas is set to change that completely. The device, which has been dubbed the “lab-on-a-chip”, allows doctors to detect cancer quickly from a Read More...

How using AI could help predic

How using AI could help predict pandemics of life-threatening diseases

After nearly losing his mother to a mosquito-borne disease called dengue, a young scientist by the name of Rainier Mallol developed an AI algorithm that uses big data to predict outbreaks of the pandemic-prone illness. His mother was one of an estimated 390 million Dengue infections every year. And Read More...

To speed up weight loss, try t

To speed up weight loss, try these high-intensity workouts

Exercising doesn’t have to be a long, painful ordeal. In fact, if you want to lose weight quickly, research says the best you can do is take part in short high-intensity workouts. That’s because intense exercise depletes the oxygen available to the muscles, forcing them to burn fat for energy Read More...

Woman throwing clothes from shopping bag onto pile of clothes declutter minimalism simple living less stuf

Be More with Less: Minimalism & Simple Living

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry By Shaelyn McHugh I used to be a thrift shop junkie. As a teenager, I would take BART into San Francisco and rummage through thrift store bins in search Read More...

Woman throwing clothes from shopping bag onto pile of clothes declutter minimalism simple living less stuf

Be More with Less: Minimalism & Simple Living

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry By Shaelyn McHugh I used to be a thrift shop junkie. As a teenager, I would take BART into San Francisco and rummage through thrift store bins in Read More...

The truth about going to bed w

The truth about going to bed with a wet head of hair

Your mother probably told you when you were a kid that going to bed with a wet head of hair will make you come down with a cold. Or maybe she told you that wet hair will make your pillow a hub for bacteria. These are both common beliefs, but are they true? According to the experts, going to bed Read More...