Today’s Solutions: January 02, 2025

Novel pesticide-detecting tech

Novel pesticide-detecting technique can help save bee colonies

Pesticides known as pyrethroids are among the main culprits behind colony collapse disorder — a phenomenon that occurs when most worker bees in a colony disappear, leaving behind just the queen and a few other bees. Detecting whether honeybees have been exposed to such types of pesticides is key Read More...

Honey bees may soon add algae

Honey bees may soon add algae to their diets

The growing habitat loss of honey bees in recent years has led to a decrease in the variety of flowering plants, which provide bees with essential nutrients in their diets. As a result, beekeepers are increasingly starting to augment their insects' diets with artificial feeds made of ingredients Read More...

There’s a lot of buzz su

There's a lot of buzz surrounding Internet of Things technology

Using Internet of Things (IoT) technology can help us better understand the health of bee hives in order to cater to the needs of bees more effectively. These days, IoT technology can allow us to monitor beehives with remote sensors as a way of keeping beekeepers updated on the status of the bees. Read More...