Today’s Solutions: December 14, 2024
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The coal-to-clean transition i

The coal-to-clean transition is a job boomer across the US

A common argument for the renewable revolution is that clean energy sources like wind and solar put far less of a burden on the environment than burning fossil fuels. But increasing investments in the renewable energy sector has another strong point: it can significantly foster job growth. In the Read More...

Trade schools in America are l

Trade schools in America are losing the stigma and attracting more students

There’s an immense amount of social pressure on graduating high school students to enroll in expensive four-year universities, which creates a glut of people all applying to the same white-collar jobs. No wonder university graduates are struggling to find jobs. Meanwhile, graduates of trade Read More...

The buck starts here

The buck starts here

Want a quicker exit from the financial crisis? Create new consumers by putting money into the hands of the lowest earners. David Servan-Schreiber | July/August 2010 issue We need more than multinationals to achieve economic Read More...