Today’s Solutions: January 02, 2025

European brown bear and cub in a forest

Brown bear population in the Pyrenees makes a bear-y impressive comeback

Back in 1996, the addition of three bears from Slovenia launched a conservation plan to reintroduce the near-extinct brown bears in the Pyrenees. The brown bear population was already sparse, and unfortunately, the last native bear from the area was killed in 2004. After this sad event, four female Read More...


Supporting beavers and our ecosystems

At The Optimist Daily, we’ve written a great deal about the benefits beavers bring to their environment and the importance of restoring their populations in certain areas. Beavers are often vilified in certain communities for the same reason they’re such iconic North American creatures: they Read More...

Grey wolf protection reinstated

Protections for endangered gray wolves renewed across much of US

Last Thursday, a howl of gratitude sounded from the endangered gray wolves of the US, after Federal protections were reinstated after being removed by the former administration.  In a trend of environmentally positive action, Judge Jeffrey White of the US district court of Oakland, California Read More...

UK takes action to ban the sha

UK takes action to ban the shark fin trade

This year, the UK has been making strides in its animal protection policies through a variety of ways, like becoming the first country in the world to recognize animals as sentient beings as well as passing the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill. The British government, determined to keep up the Read More...