Fishing is a problematic industry, not just for marine life, but for many different species. All over the world, when fishermen and women cast their nets into the water, they run the risk of catching animals they don’t intend to entangle, such as dolphins or birds. “Bycatch” is the term Read More...
Noise from shipping operations and other human activities can be disruptive to marine animals, especially species like whales which rely on calls through the water to communicate. The good news is there are a few simple solutions that would greatly reduce these auditory disruptions under the Read More...
Recently, we brought you good news from the West Coast as marine biologists reported a record number of white sharks swimming in southern California’s waters. This time around, we’re bringing you good news from the East Coast after a beloved great white shark by the name of Katharine resurfaced Read More...
A disaster was in the making on Monday when at least 120 short-finned pilot whales came ashore in Sri Lanka and wound up being stranded. It was the biggest mass stranding in the country’s history, but fortunately, Sri Lanka’s navy and local volunteers were able to save all but four of the pilot Read More...
Collisions with shipping vessels are among the most common cause of death in large whales. Along the West Coast, alone, scientists estimate that ships are responsible for the death of around 80 endangered whales every year. This usually happens due to busy shipping routes overlapping with whale Read More...
From multiple successful turtle hatchings around the world to decreasing rates of rhino poaching in South Africa, coronavirus lockdowns have been a blessing to many species of wildlife. More recently, scientists have discovered that diminished human activity has also benefited the elusive pink Read More...
The charted world of ocean life has gotten slightly bigger as marine scientists have recently discovered 30 new species of invertebrates deep beneath the ocean’s surface surrounding the rocky Galapagos Islands off of the coast of Ecuador. An international team of marine scientists from the Read More...
Back in 2015, a study conducted by the National Marine Aquarium, the University of Plymouth and the University of Exeter found compelling evidence that “doses” of exposure to underwater settings could have a positive impact on people’s wellbeing. The coronavirus pandemic seems to be a Read More...
During both world wars, the global demand for fish and seafood plummeted, forcing fishing fleets to stay at the docks while fish stocks rebounded. Now it seems a similar effect is coming into play as a result of the coronavirus crisis. The closure of restaurants and hotels, the main buyers of Read More...
If you like teeth, underwater predators, and strange things, then we have some good news for you: Researchers have identified two new rare species of six-gilled sawsharks in the waters off Eastern Africa. What makes these unusual sharks particularly extraordinary is the fact that they have six Read More...