There’s little doubt that meditation has tons of benefits for our health. In fact, science has shown that the practice can help reduce stress, depression, anxiety, and generally improves our ability to cope with uncomfortable experiences. But new research suggests that people who meditate could Read More...
Meditation has become somewhat of a buzzword over the last few years, with everyone from scientists to celebrities advocating on behalf of the practice. So, is it just a bunch of hype? Or can meditation actually bring positive changes to one’s life? According to researchers, meditation can work Read More...
As you go through your day, you probably don’t notice your breathing too much. That is, until you start feeling stressed. When you’re under stress, you often hold your breath or breath very fast, causing your nervous system to fall out of sync and leading to even more symptoms of stress. By Read More...
Meditation shows promise as a treatment for chronic insomnia, according to a new study that appears in the journal Mindfulness. “We have been studying the effects of mindfulness meditation on sleep and our previous research has found evidence that it can effectively reduce sleep disturbances,” Read More...
The wellness industry—which has its roots in niche environments like grocery store health food aisles, and movements like clean eating—has ballooned this past decade into a $4.2 trillion Read More...
Learning to meditate nowadays can be as easy as opening up an app on your smartphone. Still, while such apps are highly convenient, most of them require a paid subscription for full-content access. A French health insurance startup thinks all its clients should have access to a meditation app, Read More...
Brooke Waterman shuts the lights off in her classroom and the students settle in. Some sit with their legs Read More...
From The Intelligent Optimist Magazine Fall/Winter 2016 Subtle Activism | The Inner Dimension of Social and Planetary Transformation | David Nicol | Suny Press In the microscopic world of quantum physics there’s no such a thing as place or distance. The principle of “nonlocality” describes Read More...
From The Intelligent Optimist Magazine Fall/Winter 2016 In this age of wild politicians and violent, disrespectful debates, it’s a sign of hope that someone like the Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh—also known as “The other Dalai Lama”—is so popular with so many people. Thich Nhat Read More...
When faced with a tough decision, tapping your own wisdom may well be the way to go. The key? Take the time to slow down and breathe, then enjoy a guided visualization to visit an older version of yourself with whom to have that conversation. It isn’t as weird as it may sound. In fact, it just Read More...