All too often, emergency calls related to issues of mental health are inadequately addressed by the police, instead of a specialized social care worker. But in Dallas, that’s not necessarily always the case. If you call 911 in certain neighborhoods in Dallas, a licensed specialist at the Read More...
At The Optimist Daily, we too can admit it’s been a tough, emotional time in America. As we collectively grieve and speak out against the racism and injustice around us, it's important to also make sure we're listening to our own bodies and pausing to take care of ourselves. If you're feeling Read More...
With movement restrictions and social distancing as a result of lockdown measures, these last couple of months have left many feeling more isolated and lonelier than ever before. But these times have also made us more compassionate towards others and more likely to show appreciation for the efforts Read More...
If you are a parent, it’s been a challenging few months, to say the least. Life has asked you to play many roles: Full-time parent, full-time teacher, and perhaps full-time employee, too. Now summer is looming—and while some parts of the world are opening up, there is a good chance you will be Read More...
If you’re anything like us at the Optimist Daily, you’re probably feeling exhausted by virtual meetings. We spoke about it amongst ourselves while on Zoom and decided to look around to see if others were feeling the same. Apparently, we’re not alone. In an article for National Read More...
Limited social contact with our friends and loved ones, being cut off from our workspaces, and the general loss of so many of our habits that used to make up our day-to-day lives can put a lot of strain on our emotional health. And while it’s no easy task to suddenly become content with the Read More...
If you’re a leader at your workplace, then you have the obligation to demonstrate compassion and make time for people when they need it. That’s especially the case today at this time of great uncertainty. To help you connect more meaningfully with team members, here are a few simple tips from Read More...
Treating severe depression is extremely difficult, with remission rates usually being quite shaky, but a new study from the Stanford University School of Medicine promises new light at the end of the tunnel. Named Stanford Accelerated Intelligent Neuromodulation Therapy, or simply SAINT, the Read More...
Staying at home and avoiding physical contact with others is absolutely necessary to ensure the safety of all people, especially that of the elderly and people with underlying health conditions. But these vulnerable people are also the ones who need most support during this time of difficulty. Read More...
Just imagine how terrifying it would be to find yourself lost in your own home, or to have everyone around you keep insisting that a person you don't recognize is your own child. That’s what life can be like with dementia. It’s scary—and not only that, it can also be dangerous. A person with Read More...