Today’s Solutions: January 11, 2025

Ohio schools offer mindfulness

Ohio schools offer mindfulness sessions to help kids improve their behaviors

As far as after-school detention goes, being forced to sit in a room against one’s will for an hour rarely promotes the personal reflection that leads to any behavior change. An alternative would be to allow students to get in touch with their senses and calm their emotions. And that’s exactly Read More...

Reconnecting with nature to im

Reconnecting with nature to improve both individual and planetary wellbeing

Regularly engaging with our planet’s natural resources may not only improve your health but that of the environment too, according to a new study. To reach these conclusions, the researchers at the University of Plymouth have used surveys that measured people’s engagement with nature through Read More...

Improving your diet may do won

Improving your diet may do wonders for your mental health

If the winter blues are bringing you down, you might want to consider changing your diet. A new study finds that healthier eating habits can relieve symptoms of depression, whether dietary changes focus on weight loss or improved nutrition. While existing research has been unable to Read More...

Mental Health hotline will hav

Mental Health hotline will have a 3-digit number in the US

The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) will introduce the new emergency number ‘988’ which will become the new ‘suicide prevention’ number in the United States. Just as 911 connects people in need of first-responders for other emergencies, U.S. residents will be able to call 988 for Read More...

Telemedicine is improving ment

Telemedicine is improving mental health treatment in America’s most remote corners

Mental health care can be difficult to access due to costs and stigma. It is even harder to reach if you live in a rural area. Meridian Health Services in Indiana is using technology to tackle mental health treatment via online remote psychiatry. An NPR article on Meridian Health’s new program Read More...

How Honesty can help us heal

How honesty can help fight mental health stigma

Approximately one in five people live with a mental illness. Unfortunately, the stigma surrounding mental health makes it a difficult issue to discuss even with those we are closest to. We are conditioned to portray to the world we are doing well, even if it is not the truth.  What if it was ok Read More...

Overthinking? Here are 5 strat

Overthinking? Here are 5 strategies to calm your receptive thoughts

Thinking intensively about an issue won’t necessarily solve the problem. In fact, when a person ruminates too much, it can often intensify problems rather than solve them as these repetitive thoughts don’t allow for new, healthier perspectives to take hold. If you often find yourself Read More...

Oregon passes law that will al

Oregon passes law that will allow school kids to take mental health absence days

When Oregon students go back to school this year, they'll be able to take mental health days without risking an unexcused absence as the result of a new law that was proposed by a group of high schoolers. The students behind the measure say it’s meant to change the stigma around mental health Read More...

Stuck in a funk? Here are 3 wa

Stuck in a funk? Here are 3 ways to get out

You don’t know what it is, but it seems as if nothing you do is going the right way. Your motivation is gone, your sense of purpose lost, and you feel disconnected from everything around you. In short, you’re in a funk. But it’s important to realize that we all go through these low points. Read More...

Men are finding mental health

Men are finding mental health support from an unexpected source: Reddit

Keegan Bursaw’s son was born “out of nowhere” at 26 weeks and five days. Then came three and a half months in the neonatal intensive-care unit. Doctors told Bursaw he had to be strong for his wife and son, but the too-new father wasn’t sure how to do that. So he asked Reddit. On Read More...