Today’s Solutions: March 14, 2025

This simple tip will increas

This simple tip will increase the gut health benefits of the probiotic foods you love

For those of us who crave the tangy delights of probiotic foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, and kombucha, the mere thought can set our taste buds tingling.  These fermented wonders not only tempt our taste buds, but they also provide a plethora of gut-boosting and health-protective advantages. But Read More...

Guar bean fiber: What is it an

Guar bean fiber: What is it and why is it so good for gut health?

If you want to improve your gut health, there's a tasty and effective remedy you shouldn't overlook: guar bean fiber, often known as guar gum. A new study published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition provides light on the extraordinary benefits of this fiber source for your gut. Discovering the Read More...

Gut Bacteria

Researchers identify 5 gut bacteria that counter IBD symptoms

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can be a debilitating condition. Symptoms in the condition's different forms can include abdominal pain, fatigue, and weight loss among other stressful issues. However, new research on how to treat this condition is always coming out.  A team from the University Read More...

Up-close shot of beer being poured

A beer a day may improve your gut microbiome, study shows

The health of your gut microbiome has many implications for your physical and mental health, from your risk of stroke to anxiety. That’s why taking care of your gut bacteria, such as increasing its diversity, is key to living a healthy life. Research has shown that eating more fermented foods can Read More...


Certain bacteria in your gut might influence your chance of stroke

We all know it’s good to introduce some variety, with some yogurt or fermented vegetables, into our diet to add some variety to life but also to benefit our guts’ microbiome. Researchers are continually finding new correlations between our health and our microbiome, affecting even such things Read More...

Person getting food at night from the fridge.

Your gut biome may be responsible for your food cravings

Scientists continue to discover more and more processes that the gut microbiome influences. This population of microbes - including bacteria, fungi, viruses, and their genes - naturally live inside animal guts, interacting with the host body and each other to regulate processes. Researchers have Read More...

How you feel, microbiome

How your microbiome can affect your mood

Food can convey such an array of emotions. People can express love to their partners with their cooking. An exquisite and rare dish could make a dreary vacation totally worth it. A healthy meal can perk you up, and fast food can, ironically, make you feel sluggish. Food can make us feel so many Read More...

Gut bacteria have nutrient-sha

Gut bacteria have nutrient-sharing ‘sex’

Keeping with the theme of love and intimacy this Valentine’s Day, we’re delighted to share this recent sexy tidbit about something typically quite unsexy -- gut bacteria! Some bacteria reproduce asexually. Others do it the old-fashioned way with a partner, but apparently, reproduction Read More...

Bowl of red grapes on blue wooden table.

Here’s why grapes are good for your gut

The health benefits of grapes Grapes are the perfect, portable healthy snack to eat. Enclosed in their bite-size shells, they are a widely popular choice across the globe. The fruit is actually known to be a great source of potassium which helps balance fluids in the body. A new study, Read More...

Image of M.xanthus swarms at 10 times magnification.

This bacteria looks just like Van Gogh's 'Starry Night'

Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh is known as one of the greatest post-impressionists to ever live; most famous for his ingenious use of complementary colors to create the eye catching and emotional masterpieces loved globally. Researchers were recently reminded of his legacy by a type of bacteria Read More...