We use our Thought Leader Series as an opportunity to amplify the voices of some of the world’s most prominent thinkers and to evaluate more critically the complex topics we cover here at The Optimist Daily. Sometimes we are lucky enough to find great thought leaders within our own Emissary Read More...
The climate crisis is an increasingly present and visible threat to our world and few know this better than Jay Inslee, the governor of Washington, who watched more than 600,000 acres burn in his state during just the beginning of the second-worst fire season on record. In this week’s Thought Read More...
At The Optimist Daily, we share solutions to promote a culture of determined optimism. This week, we are celebrating the life and legacy of one of the world’s most inspirational determined optimists: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Ginsburg, who passed away September 18 at the age Read More...
While we all know people who seem to be handing things amazingly well right now and see the pandemic as an opportunity for growth, many of us are just doing our best to get by. If you fall into the latter category, working to boost your resilience can help you cope with these uncertain times. Read More...
Michigan State University has conducted the largest study of its kind on how major life events and aging affect people’s outlook on life, specifically optimism. It comes as no surprise to us at The Optimist Daily that people tend to remain optimistic about the future, even when times are Read More...
As you’ve probably inferred by now – given the current state of the world – forecasting future events is a rather challenging undertaking. But there are rare instances when some experts get it right. Take for example Silicon Valley entrepreneur Tony Seba, who a decade ago was among the few Read More...
Our instincts to come together are stronger than our differences "Like well-worn grooves in a record, neural-pathways become deeply etched from the repetitive and familiar bio-chemical responses we have to situations." BY SUSANNE SIMS Two weeks ago I ran into my neighbor Bill, someone with whom Read More...
While being optimistic can benefit your own well-being in a great number of ways, a new study shows that having a positive state of mind may contribute to the health of our partner too. The results of the new research, which looked at 4,500 heterosexual couples over the age of 50, indicate that Read More...
We’re not alone in believing in the power of optimism. In a comprehensive new study, scientists found that individuals with greater optimism are more likely to live longer and to achieve “exceptional longevity”—that is, living to age 85 or older. By optimism, the scientists are referring to Read More...
If you ask, the best tool for battling against stress is optimism. Shocking, right? The reason why is simple: for a while now, researchers have found that optimists are nearly twice as likely to meet their primary life goals, on average. Plus, optimists have been shown to experience 145 fewer days Read More...