Today’s Solutions: March 11, 2025

Study: Boosting happiness slow

Study: Boosting happiness slows down cognitive decline

A new longitudinal study investigating whether a person’s level of happiness affects their cognitive health as they age strongly suggests that the happier you are, the less likely you are of developing neurodegenerative diseases like dementia. While there have been previous studies that link Read More...

25 Intelligent Optimists

25 Intelligent Optimists

Ode asked 25 famous people–Hollywood actors, prominent politicians, scientists, authors–to nominate their favorite Intelligent Optimist, a person who isn't famous but should be for his or her work to create a better world. The result: 25 inspiring profiles of changemakers you've never heard Read More...

Mirrors would do well to refle

Mirrors would do well to reflect a little longer before sending back images.

James Geary | Sept/Oct 2009 issue Every polished surface conceals a mirror. Whatever shines—the blade of a knife, the curve of another person's eye—is intent on reflection. Desperate for attention, these things seem to think the best way to get it is to display us to ourselves. Why else would Read More...